All of the current political turmoil, to me, is reminding me of history past.
The Reformation....and more specifically the English reformation.
This was a time period when the Church ruled the world but some nations had broken away. The two silver mining nations were Britain and Spain.
The Church was the determiner of who learned to read and who did not. The feudal system was the Law of the Land. Lord's, Ladies, Dukes and Monarchies had little power but the Church had all the money and power...and soldiers.
Enter King Henry the VIII.
Somewhat of an oversized ego but He commissioned the Great Bible. Common People could go to their local church and learn to read for the first time. The Psalter and Book of prayers both held sections of scriptures....but the context was ALWAYS explained by the Church. Also all taxes, fines, tithes, and offerings (mandatory) all went to the Church and then the Church would provide the soldiers, police, and adjudication necessary for civil life.
King Henry stopped the flow of money to Rome and Spain and created the Anglican Church....the Great Bible was Tyndale and Erasmus's work. But Henry had Tyndale killed. Miles Coverdale produced Tyndales work as his own and claimed fame.
Their big fuss was over the dominance of the local Church or the Central Church....Tyndale was not on the right side so that's why Henry had him killed.
Then came Bloody Mary....the Calvinists ran off to Geneva and the Catholic Church's dominance restored. But she had a short reign due to cancer.
Elizabeth, the Virginia queen, whom Mary had imprisoned, did nothing to stop the flow of Geneva Bibles into The UK. Nor did she endorse them. But they were popular. And the little glosses (commentary) at the bottom of every page ensured that people understood the scriptures that they could now read with a decidedly Calvinistic bent....and voting was becoming popular. (Calvinists love voting)
History has NOT been kind to Henry....nor to Mary or even the Calvinists. The Geneva Bibles were the Bible of Choice when the America's were being populated....Sir Francis Drake carried one and so did Shakespeare. Obviously a time of prosperity from the peace was the result.
The English Reformation was a VERY TURBULENT time period. Lots of people died from starvation and overwork. Bubonic plague devastated entire cities too.
We have Covid and Bird Flu....we have DOGE shedding light on what our politicians are doing....which was nothing more than a self perpetuating and enrichment of a ruling class of individuals.
We have literal criminals running the government elected by unknowing people through lies and imaginary people through vote fraud.
Trump is the King Henry the 8th of old....
Less of a heathen and dictator than people losing their money supply and positions of power would have you believe. No matter what trappings of righteousness they seem to have.