Hey Maxwell, I would like to respond to this because I like discussing things with you because you are reasonable and not closed minded like the most.
1. First let’s discuss why not voting is better than voting in our current political climate of a 2 party system.
When I don’t vote I get to make fun of both parties because I’m not invested in either. But when I do vote for one, then I have nothing to complain about when my team lost. It’s their fault and my fault for picking them.
2. Suppose I do vote. I live in a blue state. So if I vote for Donald Orange Trump or Mickey Mouse, then my vote won’t matter because it will be invalidated by the majority or the electoral college. So why vote?
3. When the majority run things well, there’s no need to vote. For example I have moved 3 times in my life when the majority got stupid and didn’t run things well. So I’m not gonna waste my time or my children‘s lives by staying in a place where dumb majority rules and try to “make my voice heard “ or “vote’. No, I simply move to another area where the majority has not lost common sense And they know how to run things.
4. All and all voting seems a bit pointless to me in USA because you can simply choose 50 states to fit your lifestyle and live a happy life.
And when America is done totally in 50 states it’s time to move to Canada or something.

But I don’t see that happening for centuries.
‘USA is a great place to live and it’s not so bad as people make it. There’s a lot of choices here and a lot of abundance.
Voting seems like a wasteful emotional investment in sports teams to me.
let me know what you think.
thank you.