I struggle with the need for additional works/legalism. I don't know grace from others but God I do. I grew up with only ever receiving attention IF I did something for my parents - I earned it [ they were divorced and very disconnected, unavailable, abusive] growing up into my even my adult years]. It struggle that God can truly give salvation that freely at times. But I know His Word is the inherent authority over my life. My emotions do not have the final say. Doesn't mean Satan doesn't try to dig up and cause me to feel like I need to "do" something. I am a type A personality. Which is a recipe of disaster for individualism [apart from God - rebellion]. I have to constantly surrender, lay my emotions and experiences down. I know when I am struggling so much - I know that His Word and promise is what I cling to. Regardless of what my flesh says and Satan contiunes to use my past as a way for me to stumble. It was definitely a temptation and I pray the Lord to keep me humble. Broken before Him.
CHRIST + something = false.