you are a perverted person who would speak such a way. this speaks very clearly to your trolling on this site. The cave you are in is one of a lie and deception you can continue in your perverted sexual lifestyle all you want. IT is sin, and God will not accept it. There is no such thing as a saved homosexual or a gay Christian just like there is no Christian drunks or Christian addicts
what are you afraid of? there are saved sinners all over the world and whether or not you believe it, or fear to realize it, the amazing thing is that God has saved them and each of us and understands how very weak our frame is
the Bible is not taught fully or believed fully by far too many and the sorry fact is that many many Christians do not live victoriously because of it and others look down their long noses and tell them they are not saved
well whoopee do for you if you are squeaky clean and keep swinging those tassels and declaring how righteous you are why some struggle with lifelong 'problems' they just cannot overcome
do you have any idea how many pastors, Sunday School teachers, singers whatever who look all grand on the platform actually have hidden sins they either give in to or cannot overcome no matter how hard they try?
you know, God looks on the heart and not the outward performance. a homosexual, for example, who does not live that lifestyle but has stopped his/her same sex practices and overcomes, is most assuredly saved even if they are still tempted, never get married and have 14 children and that is a fact
you have a lot to learn if you think you can just judge those who do not live up to how you think they should