I wanted to get pillows for my family but there are so many to choose from! I havent used a pillow in years so not sure to go with natural filling or silk covers..the choices are endless.
I like my buckwheat seed pillow because it conforms to the contour of your head and supports it completely. Even though it's not soft like poly fill, It's easier to relax. It's also fully adjustable. If it flattens too much, you just squeeze it into a pile under your head and relax again. A polyester fill acts more like a spring and has only one shape and height. They don't breath well being polyester, and the support is way different. I used them all my life and finally made a couple. They turned out perfect and helped with a major neck injury.
I was fortunate to have a health food store in town that used to sell whole buckwheat. I couldn't find a source for the hulls, which the pillows are made of, so I just used the whole seeds. They are heavy, but work fine.
The fabric that contains them should be thick. The cover over that can be anything you like. I prefer bamboo rayon. It's softer than cotton. The non stretch cloth will hold up to washing better than the thin stretchy knits. You can buy them premade, but they are usually small and very expensive. If I had a good local source, I'd make and sell them. I only have enough left for one more that I saved since the store closed. I could have spent less for a typical pillow, but they don't last nearly as long. I made the one I'm using in 201o or 2011. It's still perfect and has no problems. My neck was sore with the others.
Some chiropractors recommend memory foam, but I warn people what Dr Deagal warned us at a conference. He said that they were the latest fad, but are very toxic. They outgas continuously and that doesn't stop. For 8 hours in bed every night with your face against the pillow breathing chemicals, it has to have an effect. I don't even use scented detergent any more, just the natural ones and the breathing problems improved.
I go to sleep sooner with my buckwheat pillow because they breath better and are slightly cool at first. By the time it warms up some, I'm asleep. Our brains are supposed to cool down a little at night. I don't get a sore neck from these, but it's filled enough and made right. If I find a source for organic hulls for a fair price, I might just make them for others next year. It's the best improvement for sleeping I've found, so I'd like to pass the blessing forward by providing the things that have been a blessing to me. You can tell I'm excited about the subject, but realize that others haven't spent the many hours sourcing and researching the subject. Feel free to ask any questions if you think of it.
Have a restful night.
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