Ladies, please don't listen to people like Misty77 who think that decency in dressing is legalism. Don't imitate the worldly fashion standards. When you dress modestly you are revealing your self-respect and glorifying God. 
"In like manner also, that women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with shamefacedness and sobriety; not with broided hair, or gold, or pearls, or costly array; But (which becometh women professing godliness) with good works" (1 Timothy 2:9-10).
I actually agree with Misty on this. Your standard and someone else's may be TOTALLY different, and both be in line with the Truth. The reason she is saying you seem to be legalistic is because you basically said "girls have to do this" when it is defined in the bible what is or isn't modest. To you modest is less then a one piece. To me modest is a one piece, or a 2 piece that covers like 90% of the stomach.
In the end modesty is the best policy, but modesty is based off culture, and off conviction.
Girls must be modest so men aren't lusting 24/7.
Same time, men need to try to not lust.
It works the other way around too. Men need to be modest as well, granted girls tend to not be as physical as guys, they still are to some aspect.
How i go about modesty is I look at anyone I'm with and wonder 'Am I tempting them by wearing this anymore than I would with more clothes on?" If yes, then I put more on, if not, then I'm good. Sometimes guys and girls will be tempted no matter what (mainly guys) which is why theres the "anymore than I would with more clothes on" part

Granted there are lines. If your conviction is a thong bikini is modest, then you need to be more convicted, but generally I feel that it needs to be based off culture, conviction, and company.