Nearly 1 in 5 women (18.3%)in the United States have been raped at some time in their lives.
Love is not evil. Period. You took Susanna saying that, and turned it into something completely different. Mistakes happen. I only point this out because I care about both of you. I understand your passion for the Word of God. It is admirable. I also understand Susanna's position of loving the sinner but not the sin.
Yes indeed loving people is essential.. And telling those who are heading for the eternal lake of fire that their sin is sin and they are in need of the Atonement of the LORD Jesus Christ.. IS LOVE!!!! Even if you are hated and accused of being hateful by a false Christian who tells the woman in danger of hell fire that It's ok to be a lesbian and it is not evil.. And even if their false accusation against you is supported by others who also join in the mud slinging telling you that..
Showing clearly that they have bought THE LIE and want to join in the mud slinging.. Well listen to this Megenta.. I will stand before the LORD one day and He knows my heart and how i never had any hatred for the lesbian OP in this thread.. I gave Warning to her, only to have that warning undermined by the false Christian Susanna who did her best sabotage the Message of God with her denial that sexual perversion is an abomination to God..
You know what i really hate.. Seeing false messengers of God leading people to the eternal lake of fire..
Lesbians, homosexuals, pedophiles, murderers, rapists and thieves can ALL be forgiven their sins, Even the men who operated the gas chambers in the concentration camps of Nazi Germany can be forgiven and be saved like us sinners who are guilty of sins also.. But they MUST acknowledge their sins as such and have NO resistence to the Word of God..
It is SO EASY to be saved.. All one has to do is acknowledge to God that everything they have done against the Will of God is a sin and everything they have failed to do that is the will of God is also sin, needing the Atonement that God, so lovingly provided through the LORD Jesus Christ.. But stupid human pride, seeking to be self justified, will deny this sin or that sin because they cannot handle the fact that they are hopeless sinners totally dependant on the Atonement of God..
This thread has been about eternal life and death consequences.. It's that serious..
Showing clearly that they have bought THE LIE and want to join in the mud slinging.. Well listen to this Megenta.. I will stand before the LORD one day and He knows my heart and how i never had any hatred for the lesbian OP in this thread.. I gave Warning to her, only to have that warning undermined by the false Christian Susanna who did her best sabotage the Message of God with her denial that sexual perversion is an abomination to God..
You know what i really hate.. Seeing false messengers of God leading people to the eternal lake of fire..
Lesbians, homosexuals, pedophiles, murderers, rapists and thieves can ALL be forgiven their sins, Even the men who operated the gas chambers in the concentration camps of Nazi Germany can be forgiven and be saved like us sinners who are guilty of sins also.. But they MUST acknowledge their sins as such and have NO resistence to the Word of God..
It is SO EASY to be saved.. All one has to do is acknowledge to God that everything they have done against the Will of God is a sin and everything they have failed to do that is the will of God is also sin, needing the Atonement that God, so lovingly provided through the LORD Jesus Christ.. But stupid human pride, seeking to be self justified, will deny this sin or that sin because they cannot handle the fact that they are hopeless sinners totally dependant on the Atonement of God..
This thread has been about eternal life and death consequences.. It's that serious..

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