Over the years many people have asked me this one question:
Why are you NOT married?
Answer: Love is hard. Reason bejng is that there are alot of players out there. Yes men and women alike can be players. Strange isnt it?
Anyway, I have been engaged before yes. However, it did not last because she proven to me she was not in it for love, it was money and that wrong type of attention.
God has a lady for me, and it can take a lifetime to find her. It is all on His devine planning, not mine. If you rush into something, yes we all know I have recently, it never ever ends well.
Why is love hard? Because of one simply word: judging
Too many people judge others by money, looks, and posessions. But wait, theres more! You see Jesus loved us so much he never cares about materializms. He only cared about what? THAT HEART THAT IS BEATING INSIDE YOUR CHEST THIS VERY MOMENT!!!!!
So, when you look to that Cross at calvery, is "love" really supposed to be materialized? No way!! It is supposed to be of the heart not worldly things because the heart is where the soul lives,