First of I get the confusion however you can't compare wanting to be Queen Elizabeth with being transgender. They are two very completely different things. One is just wanting to be somebody else. The other is based upon gender dysphoria. Which is a Mitch match between one's gender identity in one's birth sex.
To me personally trying to live my life as a male has brought me great discomfort and distress. It just never felt right for me. On top of that I have always felt more comfortable with anything and everything feminine. For example I have always felt more comfortable hanging around females then males. On top of that I have felt a strong desire to present in a more traditional feminine manner.
I get where this can be confusing if one is not used to talking to someone who is transgender. I don't blame you at all. Anything can be confusing at times. Especially for less familiar with that topic.
Well I hope this helps. God bless.
To me personally trying to live my life as a male has brought me great discomfort and distress. It just never felt right for me. On top of that I have always felt more comfortable with anything and everything feminine. For example I have always felt more comfortable hanging around females then males. On top of that I have felt a strong desire to present in a more traditional feminine manner.
I get where this can be confusing if one is not used to talking to someone who is transgender. I don't blame you at all. Anything can be confusing at times. Especially for less familiar with that topic.
Well I hope this helps. God bless.
No one is perfect, am not a saint but I pray God brings you to the understanding of what true Christianity is all about.
Me too trying to live like me other than queen Elizabeth did bring me discomfort.
Sometimes the right things are very discomforting. In live in a society why people are asked to do what pleases them and what makes them comfortable even when it's wrong.
Do you know there are people who feels very comfortable stealing? Should they then continue stealing cos they feel comfortable doing it?
May God help us all Amen.
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