Brother Roughsoul first thank you for sharing! Usually, one has two kinds of dreams 1. Awareness for self 2. An Awareness about what one is about to confront on the outside. About Number 1 Many people are just not aware about the battle between one's flesh and spirit in one's life, sometimes a dream awakes one from their sleep!! LOL (Rom 13:11-14)
I know this happened to me on more than one occasion! This nine times out of ten leads me to study a certain topic in the Bible that perhaps I need more information about so that I can walk this out better in my life. Number 2 are the best ones to have, ever have a dream about a certain house you intend to visit and when you get into your friend's house it looks exactly like you dreamed??
LOL, I did. Pretty wild I must say! Anyway, brother hope this helps you consider. and thanks again so much for all your thoughts on this matter!!
I know this happened to me on more than one occasion! This nine times out of ten leads me to study a certain topic in the Bible that perhaps I need more information about so that I can walk this out better in my life. Number 2 are the best ones to have, ever have a dream about a certain house you intend to visit and when you get into your friend's house it looks exactly like you dreamed??
LOL, I did. Pretty wild I must say! Anyway, brother hope this helps you consider. and thanks again so much for all your thoughts on this matter!!
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