This is an opinion piece written by Lora Young and published by LifeSite News. It should be read by all. More and more people are coming to see that everything about the COVID pandemic is bogus.
Lockdowns, followed by mask mandates, followed by talk of vaccine mandates, convinced me that COVID-19 was not as serious as the government pretended, but that the response was going to be much worse. I was proven right.
From Genesis to Revelation, the Bible is filled with commandments that demonstrate the value God places on life. A few examples: Man was created in the very image of God. (Genesis 1:27) The strictest punishments are for those who take an innocent life. (Numbers 35:30-31) The laws of purity are all about life. One becomes ritually impure if he comes in contact with a corpse. (Numbers 19:11) A woman is ritually impure during her menses. (Leviticus 15:19 — The means of sustaining a potential life is expelled. Plus, life is in the blood and it is being lost.) Although the Sabbath is the holiest of all holy days in the Bible, the rabbis taught that saving a life was a valid reason for violating the Sabbath. Jesus taught that even alleviating human suffering was a valid reason for violating the Sabbath. (Matthew 12:9-14)
There are those who say Romans 13:1-7 directs us to obey government authorities because they were put there by God. Generally, I agree. However, there are instances, both biblical and historical, where defying the government was not only allowed, but praised. Examples: Moses’ mother hid him from Pharoah, in violation of the law. (Exodus 2:2; Hebrews 11:23)The Hebrew midwives violated the law, and then lied about it, in order to preserve the lives of the Israelite baby boys. (Exodus 1:17-20) Rahab hid the spies and then lied to the authorities. (Joshua 2:1-6)
Many people violated Nazi law in order to save Jewish lives: the ten Boom family, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Oskar Schindler, Irene Sandler, to name only a few. I’m not saying we should be able to pick and choose which laws to obey, but when the law is clearly anti-life, we have a duty to push back. Given God’s overwhelming affirmation of life, can Christians do anything less than value life and resist anything that compromises human life, in all its forms?
CDC, WHO, and U.S. government lied about the severity of COVID-19 [Note: so did all governments]
The PCR test, used to diagnose COVID-19, was never intended to be used to diagnose an illness. In addition, the test has been run using 35+ cycles, which likely picks up harmless virus fragments. The New York Times suggests that as many as 90% of all positive COVID-19 tests are false positives.
Recent reports by the CDC indicate that the death toll of those who died of COVID-19, as opposed to dying with COVID-19, is far, far less than originally stated. The death count has been greatly exaggerated. These reports show that only 6% of all deaths associated with COVID-19 were actually attributable only to COVID-19. That comes to fewer than 10,000 deaths. The total death toll listed for COVID-19 (together with co-morbidities) is not much greater than the death toll from influenza in 2017 (~500K vs ~400K). And yet, we didn’t shut down for the flu.
COVID-19 has a 99+% recovery rate for those under the age of 70. In addition, the death rates for 2020 have remained fairly consistent with the death rates from previous years, indicating that there was no pandemic at all.
As LifeSiteNews reported: A recent research paper in the prestigious journal The Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences points out these statistics, and then an even more surprising claim: “The comparison is more striking when years of life lost (YLL) is the measure used. Goldstein and Lee (11) estimate that the mean loss of life years for a person dying from COVID-19 in the United States is 11.7 y. Multiplying 377,000 decedents by 11.7 y lost per decedent gives a total of 4.41 M years of life lost to COVID-19 in 2020, only a third of the 13.02 million life years lost to excess mortality in the United States in 2017 (Table 1).
The reason that the comparison is so much sharper for YLL than for excess deaths is that COVID-19 deaths in 2020 occurred at much older ages, on average, than the excess deaths of 2017.”If COVID-19 is not nearly as widespread or dangerous as we have been led to believe, there is no reason for life-restricting mandates.Domestic abuse, drug abuse, and suicides skyrocketed during lockdowns
This CDC report is just a snapshot of these effects:
Mask-wearing is unhealthy and has the potential for great harm and loss of life
First of all, masks don’t stop viruses. Any virus. It even says so on the box of blue masks you pick up at Target. Secondly, they’re harming people. They increase CO2 levels and decrease oxygen intake. A comment on this website stated:
Both emotional and physical health is being harmed by the use of masks. Clearly, these are not in the interest of life.
Lockdowns, followed by mask mandates, followed by talk of vaccine mandates, convinced me that COVID-19 was not as serious as the government pretended, but that the response was going to be much worse. I was proven right.
From Genesis to Revelation, the Bible is filled with commandments that demonstrate the value God places on life. A few examples: Man was created in the very image of God. (Genesis 1:27) The strictest punishments are for those who take an innocent life. (Numbers 35:30-31) The laws of purity are all about life. One becomes ritually impure if he comes in contact with a corpse. (Numbers 19:11) A woman is ritually impure during her menses. (Leviticus 15:19 — The means of sustaining a potential life is expelled. Plus, life is in the blood and it is being lost.) Although the Sabbath is the holiest of all holy days in the Bible, the rabbis taught that saving a life was a valid reason for violating the Sabbath. Jesus taught that even alleviating human suffering was a valid reason for violating the Sabbath. (Matthew 12:9-14)
There are those who say Romans 13:1-7 directs us to obey government authorities because they were put there by God. Generally, I agree. However, there are instances, both biblical and historical, where defying the government was not only allowed, but praised. Examples: Moses’ mother hid him from Pharoah, in violation of the law. (Exodus 2:2; Hebrews 11:23)The Hebrew midwives violated the law, and then lied about it, in order to preserve the lives of the Israelite baby boys. (Exodus 1:17-20) Rahab hid the spies and then lied to the authorities. (Joshua 2:1-6)
Many people violated Nazi law in order to save Jewish lives: the ten Boom family, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Oskar Schindler, Irene Sandler, to name only a few. I’m not saying we should be able to pick and choose which laws to obey, but when the law is clearly anti-life, we have a duty to push back. Given God’s overwhelming affirmation of life, can Christians do anything less than value life and resist anything that compromises human life, in all its forms?
CDC, WHO, and U.S. government lied about the severity of COVID-19 [Note: so did all governments]
The PCR test, used to diagnose COVID-19, was never intended to be used to diagnose an illness. In addition, the test has been run using 35+ cycles, which likely picks up harmless virus fragments. The New York Times suggests that as many as 90% of all positive COVID-19 tests are false positives.
Recent reports by the CDC indicate that the death toll of those who died of COVID-19, as opposed to dying with COVID-19, is far, far less than originally stated. The death count has been greatly exaggerated. These reports show that only 6% of all deaths associated with COVID-19 were actually attributable only to COVID-19. That comes to fewer than 10,000 deaths. The total death toll listed for COVID-19 (together with co-morbidities) is not much greater than the death toll from influenza in 2017 (~500K vs ~400K). And yet, we didn’t shut down for the flu.
COVID-19 has a 99+% recovery rate for those under the age of 70. In addition, the death rates for 2020 have remained fairly consistent with the death rates from previous years, indicating that there was no pandemic at all.
As LifeSiteNews reported: A recent research paper in the prestigious journal The Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences points out these statistics, and then an even more surprising claim: “The comparison is more striking when years of life lost (YLL) is the measure used. Goldstein and Lee (11) estimate that the mean loss of life years for a person dying from COVID-19 in the United States is 11.7 y. Multiplying 377,000 decedents by 11.7 y lost per decedent gives a total of 4.41 M years of life lost to COVID-19 in 2020, only a third of the 13.02 million life years lost to excess mortality in the United States in 2017 (Table 1).
The reason that the comparison is so much sharper for YLL than for excess deaths is that COVID-19 deaths in 2020 occurred at much older ages, on average, than the excess deaths of 2017.”If COVID-19 is not nearly as widespread or dangerous as we have been led to believe, there is no reason for life-restricting mandates.Domestic abuse, drug abuse, and suicides skyrocketed during lockdowns
This CDC report is just a snapshot of these effects:
During June 24–30, 2020, U.S. adults reported considerably elevated adverse mental health conditions associated with COVID-19. Younger adults, racial/ethnic minorities, essential workers, and unpaid adult caregivers reported having experienced disproportionately worse mental health outcomes, increased substance use, and elevated suicidal ideation. Surely we can all agree that domestic abuse, drug abuse, and suicidal thoughts are not life-giving.
Mask-wearing is unhealthy and has the potential for great harm and loss of life
First of all, masks don’t stop viruses. Any virus. It even says so on the box of blue masks you pick up at Target. Secondly, they’re harming people. They increase CO2 levels and decrease oxygen intake. A comment on this website stated:
I am President of a Manufacturing Company in Saskatchewan, Canada. Under Saskatchewan Occupational Health & Safety Rules it is illegal for me to expose any of my Employees to a Hazardous Environment, above 1,500 ppm CO2 levels (Atmospheric is 375 to 400 ppm), or below 19.5% Oxygen levels (Atmospheric Oxygen is 20.9%). OSHA Safety Officers have measured Oxygen levels at 17.4% behind an N95 mask with an IBRID 6 Gas Monitor. Del Bigtree, Medical Research Journalist measured CO2 levels between 8,000 to 10,000 ppm behind a cloth mask and over 10,000 ppm behind an N95 mask which is Hazardous Environment!
If masks do, indeed, restrict oxygen and increase CO2, there may be other unintended consequences. Miscarriages and stillbirths rose over 300% during a six-week period in early 2021. Obstetricians also report smaller umbilical cords, which indicates that the pre-born baby isn’t getting all the oxygen (via the placenta) that he/she should have.Both emotional and physical health is being harmed by the use of masks. Clearly, these are not in the interest of life.
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