Sure I will try to explain . All I was getting at with that in particular is usually if I’m wrestling with something and I feel has potential spiritual ramifications of some kind my mind may see something a certain way immediately but maybe it’s something that I can’t find a scripture to apply to the situation in its context and the living word doesn’t seem to give a clear path. I’m Essentially testing/ or cross checking what i believe might be a nudge from Holy Spirit that I think could be God speaking to my heart and soul against the larger community of believers to reduce the chances I’m being deceived by the enemy. Usually it works for me but I think I’m hitting something cultural rather than spiritual because I cannot get a clear path on this one so I’ve just tabled this issue till I can get a word from God and hear more clearly im assuming with some time and prayer he will repeat himself in a more clear way. I want to teach my son the importance of morality but yet I’m thinking I need to be guarding the father/son relationship from going off the rails as well if I come down to harsh on him.
That's what I surmised but thanks for confirming.
I have similar burdens for stuff like this and I'm sure there are a solid handful that you can find on the net...
For me personally, that's enough to consider that it might be. I do think it's possible for the enemy to give burdens or perhaps just to capitalize on personal burdens and observations though with stuff like this.
It's a deeply rooted for a lot of believers I think so I don't think getting a consensus will happen yet. Being lukewarm is common in the U.S and so....
I find though that if I break it down, I get very strong responses from most people...if they are totally alright before the Lord with it, why such a strong reaction?
Ofc being pharasaical or improperly judgemental puts you in a category that Jesus was quite against so there's a balance.
If a person weren't receptive and you went ahead anyway it can be counterproductive for sure.
Like I said, it's been a long procecess for me on both may be like eating junk food or candy spiritually speaking (on one level).
With children that can only be managed probably if it's already introduced (which it has for 99+%).
I know of one series at least that you might be able to watch with your spouse. I'll admit that my approach is more implicit than explicit and this series is explicit about certain things that I don't feel it appropriate to be...or at least there is consternation and lack of clarity on whether to make people aware of. My hang up is you should be able to paint a broad vague stroke about something and I leave it up to the Lord to clarify specifically for you with your own examples, rather than showing specific examples because I'd have to show/draw attention to things that I might inadvertently expose someone to who may otherwise not have been. Then again though, maybe some people need that.
If you're interested, I'll PM it to you.