I suppose it does not matter.
Just not used to people being able to snipe and Mark up someone's comment with their drive by rock slinging then retreat into the Shadows.
Then when they are confronted ( without malice) get their buddies to do the same thing.
It really does not matter.
I just expect more from professing Christians.
I will lower the bar.
Thank you for your advice.
Look, an X just means someone disagrees. I wasn't slinging rocks or trying to run into the shadows. I
did try to bring some levity to the situation with my gif.
I'm a mother of 9. I don't always have the time to write out a dissertation on why I don't agree with someone. If someone here offends you, you have the ability to private message and confront your brother (or sister) as we are told to do in Matthew 18:15-17. And yes, I see the irony in telling you this here, publicly, instead of private messaging. But I think it's a good reminder for EVERYONE.