Summary of Bible references on the Rapture

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Well-known member
Sep 14, 2020
Jeremiah 50:1 This is the word the Lord spoke through Jeremiah the prophet concerning Babylon and the land of the Babylonians:

2 “Announce and proclaim among the nations,
lift up a banner and proclaim it;
keep nothing back, but say,
‘Babylon will be captured;
Bel will be put to shame,
Marduk filled with terror.
Her images will be put to shame
and her idols filled with terror.’

Marduk is a god that Hollywood worships, the Oscars are held in what could be considered a temple to Marduk. Babylon was built with bricks that had idols on every brick. Bel and Marduk are two of these idols, pagan gods. I like how Jeremiah says "keep nothing back" this is contrast to the elites who are hiding this information while they build themselves underground bunkers for the elites and for their armies.

3 A nation from the north will attack her
and lay waste her land.
No one will live in it;
both people and animals will flee away.

A strong case can be made for the US being Babylon, if that is the case what Nation is to the North of the US? Canada is, but I think this is a reference to Russia. If Russia attacks they will do so from over the North pole. Now this expression that no one will liver in her but both people and animals will flee away, that tells me that Russia will nuke the US.

4 “In those days, at that time,”
declares the Lord,
“the people of Israel and the people of Judah together
will go in tears to seek the Lord their God.

In the same way we have two different people of God based on God's covenant, we have the Christians who are left behind and we have the Jews. If the US were destroyed Israel would immediately be threatened. After the rapture all the believers left behind will go in tears to seek the Lord. This reminds me of the prophecy in Amos where God is going to turn our feasts to mourning. Thanksgiving is the big feast in the US, if the rapture takes place around the time of Thanksgiving it would certainly turn that feast to mourning for those left behind.

5 They will ask the way to Zion
and turn their faces toward it.
They will come and bind themselves to the Lord
in an everlasting covenant
that will not be forgotten.

This is why there must be a pre tribulation rapture, it will show to the rest of the saints who God has approved and it will cause them to rededicate themselves to the Lord in an everlasting covenant. Christians like to talk about "revival" where many unbelievers get saved, but this will be a revival where millions of lukewarm Christians repent and rededicate themselves to the Lord.

6 “My people have been lost sheep;
their shepherds have led them astray
and caused them to roam on the mountains.
They wandered over mountain and hill
and forgot their own resting place.
7 Whoever found them devoured them;
their enemies said, ‘We are not guilty,
for they sinned against the Lord, their verdant pasture,
the Lord, the hope of their ancestors.’

This is a description of the Apostasy. Laodicea is the apostate church. At the end of the Age you will have the evangelical church (Philadelphia) and the Apostate church (Laodicea).


Well-known member
Sep 14, 2020
Jeremiah 50:8 “Flee out of Babylon;
leave the land of the Babylonians,
and be like the goats that lead the flock.

This is where we are right now. They have mandated this vaccine which is a deceitful shot, you need to flee out of this system.

9 For I will stir up and bring against Babylon
an alliance of great nations from the land of the north.
They will take up their positions against her,
and from the north she will be captured.
Their arrows will be like skilled warriors
who do not return empty-handed.

Arrows, sounds like missiles. The arrows are "like skilled warriors" sounds like these have a guidance system similar to our cruise missiles. During the Gulf war we got video images of these cruise missiles travelling hundreds of miles and not only hitting the building but going into the window of the building that was the target.

10 So Babylonia will be plundered;
all who plunder her will have their fill,”
declares the Lord.

If I were an army and wanted to plunder another country the US would be my first choice. Lots and lots of plunder.

11 “Because you rejoice and are glad,
you who pillage my inheritance,
because you frolic like a heifer threshing grain
and neigh like stallions,
12 your mother will be greatly ashamed;
she who gave you birth will be disgraced.
She will be the least of the nations—
a wilderness, a dry land, a desert.

It is so hard to follow this thought from the Lord because we are so used to having "good guys and bad guys", white hats and black hats. God is judging Babylon for their idolatry and His people for becoming compromised by this. But if the countries being used by God to bring that judgement are also idolatrous how do they think they won't also be judged. This is not a case of your idol defeated their idol but rather God used you to bring them down and if you are arrogant you too will suffer the same fate.

13 Because of the Lord’s anger she will not be inhabited
but will be completely desolate.
All who pass Babylon will be appalled;
they will scoff because of all her wounds.
14 “Take up your positions around Babylon,
all you who draw the bow.
Shoot at her! Spare no arrows,
for she has sinned against the Lord.

We refer to this as "the one who won the divorce". Two people were married, it ended in a divorce, one goes on from there to glory and success, the other is left in a ruinous heap.

15 Shout against her on every side!
She surrenders, her towers fall,
her walls are torn down.
Since this is the vengeance of the Lord,
take vengeance on her;
do to her as she has done to others.

It doesn't matter if the US is Babylon, regardless, God will do to us as we have done to others. The CIA is known as the "Cocaine Importing Agency" because they fund their illegal operations by importing drugs to the US. Our deep state has treated other countries despicably therefore it is God's judgement that as we have done it will be done to us.

16 Cut off from Babylon the sower,
and the reaper with his sickle at harvest.
Because of the sword of the oppressor
let everyone return to their own people,
let everyone flee to their own land.

Why do they keep talking about everyone fleeing to their own land? We have many people from around the world working here in the US. When the US falls they will all return back to their own people and their own land.

17 “Israel is a scattered flock
that lions have chased away.
The first to devour them
was the king of Assyria;
the last to crush their bones
was Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon.”

The King of Assyria and the King of Babylon are both types of the "little horn" that rises up in the book of Revelation. Nebuchadnezzar is the golden head of the beast, and the little horn is called "the Assyrian". The people of God who are left after the rapture will be devoured and crushed by the "Antichrist" or better known as "the little horn" or the "11th horn".


Well-known member
Sep 14, 2020
The abomination of desolation



Well-known member
Sep 14, 2020
Clear reference from Zechariah 13



Well-known member
Sep 14, 2020
You were found and captured because you opposed the Lord

Jeremiah 50:
18 Therefore this is what the Lord Almighty, the God of Israel, says:
“I will punish the king of Babylon and his land
as I punished the king of Assyria.

How do people not learn? We read about the rise and fall of the Roman empire, we see what made them fall, and then we follow in the same path? This history has repeated itself with every empire, Egypt used to be great, now they are nothing. Greece used to be great, now they are nothing. Iraq used to be great, now they are nothing. Rome used to be great, now they are nothing.

19 But I will bring Israel back to their own pasture,
and they will graze on Carmel and Bashan;
their appetite will be satisfied
on the hills of Ephraim and Gilead.
20 In those days, at that time,”
declares the Lord,
“search will be made for Israel’s guilt,
but there will be none,
and for the sins of Judah,
but none will be found,
for I will forgive the remnant I spare.

Again, how do people see this and not realize there is a God in heaven? He told you that He would bring the remnant of Jews back to Israel, he told you this thousands of years ago, and He did it, repeatedly.

21 “Attack the land of Merathaim
and those who live in Pekod.
Pursue, kill and completely destroy them,”
declares the Lord.
“Do everything I have commanded you.

Do everything I command you concerning completely destroying these people. Why? I suspect it has to do with the Nephilim. Remember the prophecy about God putting enmity between the seed of the woman and the seed of the serpent? Later we learn about the Nephilim on Earth mingling their seed with man. The flood was to completely wipe out this mingled seed, yet later we learn of the giants who were still here from this seed. There is a satanic seed on this Earth, it is not simply "pagan" worship of various false gods, it also involves the genetic makeup of these people.

22 The noise of battle is in the land,
the noise of great destruction!
23 How broken and shattered
is the hammer of the whole earth!

The hammer of the whole earth? What is that? Is this a reference to their military might or is this a reference to their industrial might? After WWII what impressed all the countries both our allies and our enemies was not simply the military might of the US but even more the industrial might. At that time we were "the hammer of the whole earth!"

How desolate is Babylon
among the nations!
24 I set a trap for you, Babylon,
and you were caught before you knew it;
you were found and captured
because you opposed the Lord.

Let us be honest, the US opposes the Lord. They oppose the Lord in the schools, they oppose the Lord in their media, they oppose the Lord in their art, they oppose the Lord in their history and they oppose the Lord in their government.


Well-known member
Sep 14, 2020
Luke 2:25-35 The Deep State

25 Now there was a man in Jerusalem whose name was Simeon, and this man was righteous and devout [cautiously and carefully observing the divine Law], and looking for the Consolation of Israel; and the Holy Spirit was upon him.

I love this, my favorite experience. Everyone talks about this "deep state" of corrupt wicked people highly placed in government who are secretly operating behind the curtain. But my experience is that wherever you go there are those who are devout and righteous. He is in Jerusalem, in the temple, can see her poverty, and yet he can also see the Lord's Christ.

26 And it had been divinely revealed (communicated) to him by the Holy Spirit that he would not see death before he had seen the Lord’s Christ (the Messiah, the Anointed One). 27 And prompted by the [Holy] Spirit, he came into the temple [enclosure]; and when the parents brought in the little child Jesus to do for Him what was customary according to the Law, 28 [Simeon] took Him up in his arms and praised and thanked God and said, 29 And now, Lord, You are releasing Your servant to depart (leave this world) in peace, according to Your word.

Luke is considered the gospel for those who are raptured prior to the tribulation. These are the ones who were looking for the Lord before He was even born. Mark is the gospel to those who wake up after the rapture. For them the gospel begins with the ministry of John about 30 years after this. This chapter reveals two witnesses, Simeon and Anna. During the tribulation there will also be two witnesses (signified by the ministry of John the Baptist). We need this, all of us need this, whether you are "the mother Mary" or someone left behind.

30 For with my [own] eyes I have seen Your Salvation, 31 Which You have ordained and prepared before (in the presence of) all peoples, 32 A Light for [k]revelation to the Gentiles [to disclose what was before unknown] and [to bring] praise and honor and glory to Your people Israel. 33 And His [legal] father and [His] mother were marveling at what was said about Him. 34 And Simeon blessed them and said to Mary His mother, Behold, this Child is appointed and destined for the fall and rising of many in Israel, and for a sign that is spoken against—35 And a sword will pierce through your own soul also—that the secret thoughts and purposes of many hearts may be brought out and disclosed.

Jesus is destined for the fall of many, not just the rising. All those who have sold themselves to do evil will fall. During the tribulation He will be a sign that is spoken against. In the end the secret thoughts and purposes of the heart will be brought out. Simeon had a secret and it was just brought out, Jesus being the incarnated God had a secret, not all secrets of the heart are evil. There is a joke about some Christians being “secret agents”. Whatever you are on the inside will be revealed at this time. This is why they hated Donald Trump. The way this deep state, the corrupt wicked people in authority can stay there is from "mutual assured destruction". No one exposes anyone otherwise they all get exposed. This is how Hoover ran the FBI, he dug dirt on everyone not to expose them but to use it for leverage against them. Why do you think the FBI had Hunter Biden's laptop for a year and were silent. They wanted Biden to get elected because then they would have maximum leverage. Trump ruined all that. He was happy to expose them all. They accused him of Russian collusion because they were colluding with Russia. They accused him of being a pervert because they were perverts. They accused him of using his power as President to unfairly influence the election because they did that. They impeached him for negligence in protecting the capital because they were the ones who were negligent. God is not going to let one word fall, this prophecy will be fulfilled.

"The secret thoughts and purposes of many hearts will be brought out and disclosed".


Well-known member
Sep 14, 2020
Repay her for her deeds

Jeremiah 50:25 The Lord has opened his arsenal
and brought out the weapons of his wrath,
for the Sovereign Lord Almighty has work to do
in the land of the Babylonians.
26 Come against her from afar.
Break open her granaries;
pile her up like heaps of grain.
Completely destroy her
and leave her no remnant.
27 Kill all her young bulls;
let them go down to the slaughter!
Woe to them! For their day has come,
the time for them to be punished.
28 Listen to the fugitives and refugees from Babylon
declaring in Zion
how the Lord our God has taken vengeance,
vengeance for his temple.

Don't know what this is talking about. Is He talking about a meteor shower? Don't know, but piling her up like heaps of grain sounds like the pictures we saw from WWII at the Holocaust with dead bodies all piled one on top of another. Regardless of what it is, it is "the time to be punished". The other thing that is clear is that those who survive, the fugitives and refugees will say that the Lord our God has taken vengeance. This will not be anything that man will take credit for.

29 “Summon archers against Babylon,
all those who draw the bow.
Encamp all around her;
let no one escape.
Repay her for her deeds;
do to her as she has done.
For she has defied the Lord,
the Holy One of Israel.

This to me sounds like all those who have been abused by Babylon then come and camp against her. Interesting "all those who draw the bow", that sounds like missiles. But all that is secondary, we are repayed for our deeds. We need to confess our sins, repent of them and receive the Lord's cleansing blood. All of this punishment is because "she has defied the Lord, the Holy One of Israel". Repent and believe in the Lord's redemptive work on the cross.


Well-known member
Sep 14, 2020
Luke 2:36-38 Someone we have all met

36 And there was also a prophetess, Anna, the daughter of Phanuel, of the tribe of Asher. She was very old, having lived with her husband seven years from her maidenhood, 37 And as a widow even for eighty-four years. She did not go out from the temple enclosure, but was worshiping night and day with fasting and prayer. 38 And she too came up at that same hour, and she returned thanks to God and talked of [Jesus] to all who were looking for the redemption (deliverance) of Jerusalem.

Here is the second witness. Have you ever met an elderly sister that "talked to all who were looking for the redemption of Jerusalem". It seems to me that wherever I have gone, in whatever church gathering I was in I was always able to find this sister. I hope you didn't take her for granted, Mary never forgot her testimony and God didn't either.


Well-known member
Sep 14, 2020
The abomination of desolation

There is a very interesting take on the meaning of 666 around the 42:30 mark. The three Greek letters which we understand to be the number 666 are written strangely in an ancient manuscript and could in fact be Arabic meaning "In the Name of Allah" with crossed swords. One could understand that as a banner, so taking that mark on your forehead or hand could indicate that you worship Allah.

He does a very interesting discussion on this.


Well-known member
Sep 14, 2020
The Everlasting Hatred



Well-known member
Sep 14, 2020
The Everlasting Hatred

The Rothschilds whose name means "Red Shield" and should be seen as the Edomites are the same as those who created the Federal Reserve bank.

Interesting that the world confuses Edomites with Jews, I suspect the Edomites like it that way. All the negative views of "Jewish bankers" may in fact be due to the Edomite bankers.


Well-known member
Sep 14, 2020
Historically the Edomites are the ones who say they are Jews and are not, hence their worship would be "the synagogue of Satan" the everlasting enemy of God's people.

There are 7 churches that the Lord writes letters to in the book of Revelation. Of the seven two do not have any negative concerns, the other five all have negative concerns and two of those have no positive commendation.

Now of the two with nothing negative (Smyrna and Philadelphia) they both have reference to the synagogue of Satan.

It is as though the synagogue of Satan infiltrates the other 5 churches and so it is hard to distinguish, but in these two there is a clear distinction between the real church and the phony one.


Well-known member
Sep 14, 2020
Ideas so good they have to be mandatory

This was published in April of 2020 -- may have seemed paranoid at the time, but not now.

Quarantine is the restriction of movement of sick people.

Tyranny is the restriction of movement of healthy people.


Well-known member
Sep 14, 2020
People going completely nuts is a sign of the end of the age of grace



Well-known member
Sep 14, 2020
Prophecy concerning 1946 Nuremberg trial