Me and people at work care alot about each other.
There is a lot of truth in that because we are family, every one of us.
We all laugh and get along as others just fight and argue.
Many want me to be like them and buck against that officials. However i refuse because i am not one of them. I am a man of God and i will not turn against people who are my friends.
They can call me police all they want but this is not jail. I hold valued respect towards authorities.
God places people in charge for a reason.
Anyway, I may have virtigo. Or it may just be that gastric disease that i got from who knows where.
I been feeling dizzy at times but i go get water and im fine. So come monday or even sooner imma make that appoinment i keep putting it off i dont know why.
Its all good, it could be my whole problem is a gastric disease. Mom never talked about her healtg much but i guess she was protexting us.
Her intentions were genuine but we needed the info but its ok.
Just hafta learn at our pace as our health changes. Its how mom was.
My sister has virtigo and she has a skin rash along side of moms sleeping disorder. Her nose bleeds at a blue moon also.
I know the warnig signs of passing out i been prone to them my whole life.
So i just go get water and breath slowly to let it pass and i go back to work.
But if i cant i will say something and ill be helped.
Im just being stupid bout this doc stuff cuz im a wuss.