I have concluded that all actions and temptations outside of God’s original design for humans would be sin. We are born into sin, but not with sin. Society has taught us its rules from the start, damning all because this causes us to abandon God’s instinctual tendencies. Sex is for procreation, period. Animals run around naked without feeling the temptation of having all of their pleasure seeking desires filled. Most eat according to design and do not seek to gorge themselves on calorie rich concoctions. Most mammals arrange themselves in groups and establish “government” or hierarchy based on physical attributes that serve the whole, to strengthen the pack. This is God’s system. It is organized. They all obey their instincts, they are intune with design.
Domesticated dogs, because we have taught them right from wrong are out of tune with their natural instinct. That is how they feel guilt. If you read the Bible objectively it is easy to spot how we allow what we have been taught to bias our interpretation. The fruit of the knowledge of (the tree) of good and evil is guilt. That is why we need forgiveness, then we can reconcile to God. Once you learn or experience something, you can’t unlearn it. The dopamine has taken effect and established a pleasure sensor in your brain that continually yearns to be revisited. Overstimulation of our natural God given desires, eating, procreating, community (acceptance), cause us to be tempted to desire these things in higher amounts.
We are programable and this society has programmed us to desire these things, propagating a system out of tune of God’s intent. The ruler of this world has led us on a path which entices the flesh. We are in bondage to our unnatural urges because dopamine has caused a feedback loop. This is why we are to ignore the flesh and be spiritually reborn. The soul longs to communicate with the Spirit. Guilt interrupts this. Separation of sin, is separation of guilt. Forgiveness from God and forgiveness from one another helps us to reconnect with the Almighty.
I guess those are my thoughts, take ‘em, or leave ‘em.