You are reminding MAN that CHRIST died on the cross and DISPLAYING CHRIST was only a MAN that died.
I know you look at It that you are honoring the memory of GOD but what you are showing the world
Appealing to the flesly mind rather than recognizing that GOD IS a SPIRIT and GOD desires those that worship HIM worship HIM In Spirit and Truth.
I know you look at It that you are honoring the memory of GOD but what you are showing the world
Appealing to the flesly mind rather than recognizing that GOD IS a SPIRIT and GOD desires those that worship HIM worship HIM In Spirit and Truth.
yes. a cross is one thing but Jesus is no longer on it
we see some doing what is called penance or they physically torture themselves all to no avail anymore than praying to dead people is beneficial
Jesus said to remember Him at the Passover with His disciples, but He did not mean on the cross but in the bread and wine that He said represented Him
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