Why not just except Paul's authority on this matter as pertaining to the church? His teaching should be sufficient, and excepted. I believe as pertaining to 1 Corinthians 14:35 where Paul is referring back to the law as you pointed out in Genesis 3:16 clearly shows the order of authority that God has set up, the man ruling over the woman. Thusly, we see the harmony in what Paul wrote in 1 Cor.14: 38 and what is stated in Genesis 3:16. Authority in the home and authority in the church rest upon the men. This subject is probably one of the clearest teachings in the New Testament. To undermine Paul's authority and teaching is going against God, not me or anyone else who holds to proper biblical church order.
Why not just except Paul's authority on this matter as pertaining to the church? His teaching should be sufficient, and excepted. I believe as pertaining to 1 Corinthians 14:35 where Paul is referring back to the law as you pointed out in Genesis 3:16 clearly shows the order of authority that God has set up, the man ruling over the woman. Thusly, we see the harmony in what Paul wrote in 1 Cor.14: 38 and what is stated in Genesis 3:16. Authority in the home and authority in the church rest upon the men. This subject is probably one of the clearest teachings in the New Testament. To undermine Paul's authority and teaching is going against God, not me or anyone else who holds to proper biblical church order.
If this were a command, it would be the only command in the entire Bible where the object of the command (rather than the subject) is addressed. God does not say to Adam, "You shall rule over your wife"; He says to Eve, "Your husband shall rule over you." That is a statement of certain consequence, not a command.
If the order of creation were relevant for hierarchy, you need to submit to the plants, for they were formed first. Paul's letter to Timothy was addressing a prevalent heresy in that cultural context. It makes perfect sense in that context, and does not otherwise. Further, Eve's deception was never placed on all women. Women in general are not more subject to deception, as many men think.
As to your final sentence, it's an irrelevant appeal. Save it for those who don't recognize blatant logical fallacies.
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