To the OP.... I am of the firm belief that worrying/arguing about end times is absolutely a waste of time. Eschatology is an interesting thing to study, if you are of that nature, but it is in NO way a salvation issue. If you believe in any of the 1000 year reigns, pre/post/none.... whatever.... it makes NO impact on your salvation. NONE.
If you are involved in a church (sounds like your preacher is pretty level-headed about this) that gets torn apart by something as unimportant, scripturally, as this.... you are in the wrong church, brother.
It makes as much sense as arguing over whether to use strong wine or grape juice for communion. It doesn't matter.
Jesus taught us to be ready... just live our lives in readiness for the coming of the king/bridegroom/etc.... He didn't teach us to
worry about it, just live every day in readiness. Because, in reality, the end of the world for YOU could come as you read this sentence.
If you think it's all that important, do a survey.... ask 10 eschatology
nuts, I mean, students

what their view, or studied opinion is on the details of the rapture/millennium, and you will likely get 12 different answers. Each one of them will swear up and down that they have "studied it for 30 years" and "the Spirit informed me that MY understanding is correct."
In matters of importance, God is not the author of confusion. MAN is the author of confusion.
The details of "end times" DO NOT MATTER. The main thing is to live in readiness..... we KNOW how the whole thing ends....
Praise be to God for that....