Do you mean as in the Generation Jesus was speaking about or The Generation confused people think he was speaking about?
A lot of people are wed to the 70 or 80 years and thus their generational timing is off. The truth is it has nothing to do with 1948, nor 1967. Jesus is speaking to Israel whom he was sent unto (the lost sheep). He was asked when shall these things be. So since he had just spoken about the Temple he started there via Matt. 24:4-6. The disciples asked him two more questions also, what will be the sign of your coming and the end of the world [as we know it, as run by Satan, OF COURSE]. So, Jesus told them about the 70 AD Sacking first in verses 4-6. Then the Church Age (verses 7-14) and then about the 70th week in verses 15-31, which of course is the Second Coming.
Along the way Jesus gives about 12 signs (I have counted before it's 10-12 things), He tells about the Church Age birth pangs/sorrows, the earthquakes, plagues (Black Death/AIDS) the Wars through the Church Age, the Disciples all getting killed save John. He tells about the
LAST Church Age sign when the Gospel is preached unto all the world then the END
(70th week......KEY HERE) will come. Before, in verse 6 he said the END is by and by or later on, so Jesus now informs us when this "END' will come !!
THE COMING 70TH WEEK "END" brings more signs !!
In Matt. 24:15 we see the AoD standing in the holy place. We see the Jewish peoples who repent, flee to the mountains also. In verse 24 we see the Anti-Christ and False Prophet. Then we get the
very last sign (KEY SIGN Jesus is speaking about via ALL THINGS and THIS GENERATION) We are told by Jesus that the
Sun and Moon will go dark, and IMMEDIATELY AFTER THOSE DAYS [END] you will see the Son of Man (Jesus) retuning in the Eastern Skies !!
Jesus then goes straight into the parable everyone's referring unto via
We have to tie the Parable to the LESSONS Jesus just taught us about as pertaining unto all the signs he gave us. Not doing that is a fatal mistake as per the timeline of the end-times, and the understanding thereof.
Matt. 24:32 Now learn a parable of the FIG TREE; When his branch is yet tender, and putteth forth leaves, ye know that SUMMER IS NIGH: 33 So likewise ye, WHEN YE SEE ALL OF THESE THINGS, know that it is near, even at the doors.
{{{{ This would be the Second Coming here, NOT THE RAPTURE, Jesus is speaking unto the Jewish peoples, not the Gentile Church. So, when they see
ALL THESE THINGS, look for Jesus to return, and then set up the Millennial Kingdom in Jerusalem.
34 Verily I say unto you
, THIS GENERATION shall not pass, till
ALL THESE THINGS be fulfilled.
THIS GENERATION......... Well, what generation is Jesus speaking about? The Generation that
SEES ALL THESE THINGS Jesus just laid out, the ones I pointed out for everyone to see. So, the only Generation that can see ALL THESE THINGS (This is just common sense) has to be THE GENERATION that saw the Sun and Moon go Dark because no one can see ALL THESE THINGS unless


they see the LAST SIGN !! So, since we know the Sun and Moon go dark during the 70th week then ONLY THOSE LIVING during the 70th week can see Jesus' Second Coming. (This is so commonsense-oriented, I do not understand why people even have to debate it, to be honest.)
I often wonder why this is so easy for me to see, yet when I point this out people really can't seem to grasp it, this is simple math my friends. It's like a 2 + 2 = 4 kind of equation, it's not that difficult. I actually believe it's tunnel vision syndrome. If I each a kid for 18 years that 2 + 2 = 5, then when someone informs him 2 + 2 = 4 he's going to be like, Nawwwwww, that's 5 man !! Then he will probably shake his head and roll his eyes.

THAT GENERATION is obviously those people living during the 70th weekend times.