I think you forgot to introduce me the god who killed about 20,000,000 (The Flood of Noah)===> Gen 7:23
For people who think God is cruel He is not cruel but it is humans that is cruel.
Everything that God does is for the protection of people.
He puts down a thousand to save 10 thousand.
Before the flood the world was filled with violence, and they had corrupted God's ways on Earth which is to love, and care about each other, and the imaginations of their heart was only evil continually.
People could not be right with God, and if He did not intervene with the flood more people would of been killed through the years than the people He took out which is what happens when the world does not have God operating in it.
The only way they could be that bad is if the fallen angels had influenced them.
And it is going to happen again in the future which God told us of the new age movement which they interpret the Bible according to the occult and evolution, and people are still evolving to be spiritual, and a god, and Jesus evolved to be an ascended master, and there is no personal God, and the New Age Christ is the final teacher, and above Jesus.
The time will come the people will want to hear the Bible according to their own lusts which is the new age movement, and they will be turned unto fables.
They shall come out at the latter times which is the last days of the last days.
They will be of seducing spirits and doctrines of devils which they follow Lucifer believing he is a god, and an alien, that gave mankind intelligence, and will help mankind to have peace, and advance, and evolve to be spiritual, and a god, along with the New Age Christ who will be Lucifer inhabiting a human body.
Which the new age movement is opening the door for the devils to interact with mankind which the United Nations supports new age organizations.
So they will be terribly wicked in the future when the New Age Christ starts working in the world pushing the agenda of the new age movement which he will think to change times and laws.
Which they will corrupt God's ways on Earth again, and the Earth will be filled with violence, and the imaginations of their heart will only be evil continually which they believe the mind creates reality more real than the world of sense.
Which the Bible says their conscious will be seared with a hot iron, and the New Age Christ by peace shall destroy many as they go forth taking out people for population reduction, and getting rid of people they do not want on Earth, and going against all people who oppose their system on Earth.
Which they are going to move all people in to the cities, and then they will be given a microchip linked to satellite like a GPS tracking system for human, and if a crime happens they will know who was in the area, and how close they were to the crime scene.
This will cut out judges, lawyers, and the now known police force, and the people will be the police force of the cities.
And this will happen when the New Age Christ negotiates peace in the Middle East resulting in a 7 years peace treaty, and the nations government coming together with the world split in to 10 sections with a leader in each section who are in league with the New Age Christ.
Then in three and one half years all people will be moved in the cities, and they will be given the microchip, and then they will go against all people who oppose their system.
They will not show love, and will not care about people, and they not have mercy, and not have compassion, and want to exalt themselves, and be worse than the people at the flood, so God has to intervene again but this time He will end sin on Earth.
God is not cruel but people are cruel, and He only goes against nations, or kingdoms that have too much influence over other people with cruelty, and not compassion.
In the Old Testament after the flood if a nation, or kingdom, had a lot of influence over other people operating by cruelty, and not the ways of God to love, and care, then God would allow other nations, or kingdoms, to take them down to stop their actions.
And if children were wiped out God knows the hearts of people, and those children would of grown up and followed in the footsteps of their nation and would of taken other people's children out.
God puts down a thousand to save 10 thousand, and if God did not intervene in the Old Testament then more people would of been hurt, and killed, than the people that were taken down.