This is fascinating to me from the point of the different positions in eschatology but as you read the first three verses of 1 Enoch would you consider it to be pre-trib.,,,post-trib preterist Amil. ect.? Why I'm asking is that if he says it is written for a remote generation who will be present during the tribulation then which position does it support and which will it harm?
Greetings imasoandso!
I don't think that it has anything to do with the pre, mid and post interpretations of when the church will be gathered. Compare the following from Daniel and Revelation:
"He will speak out against the Most High and oppress the saints of the Most High, intending to change the appointed times and laws; and the saints will be given into his hand for a time, and times, and half a time."
"The beast was given a mouth to speak arrogant and blasphemous words, and authority to act for 42 months. And the beast opened its mouth to speak blasphemies against God and to slander His name and His tabernacle—those who dwell in heaven. Then the beast was permitted to wage war against the saints and to conquer them, and it was given authority over every tribe and people and tongue and nation."
Both Daniel and Revelation are speaking about those saints who will come out of the great tribulation. This is supported by the fact that both scriptures are referring to that last 3 1/2 years of the seven year period as 'a time, times and half a time' and as '42 months.'
I have posted this many times and will post it here again: Throughout chapters 1 thru 3 of Revelation, the word 'ekklesia' translated as 'church' is used 19 time and that with not being used interchangeably with the word 'hagios' translated as 'saints.' Then after the end of chapter 3, the word 'ekklesia/church' is never used again until Revelation 22:16. After that, the word 'hagios/saints' is used. The fact that the word 'church' was used exclusively throughout the first three chapters and then disappears should be a red flag for everyone who studies Revelation. In other words, the exclusive use of the word 'church' and then its abrupt absence should get our attention. It's not a coincidence.
As previously stated, the last time the word 'ekklesia/church' is used is at the very end of chapter 3 of the last letter to the seven churches, the letters representing the 'what is now,' i.e. representing the entire church period. Following that in Revelation 4:1, you have John hearing the Lord's voice which is described as sounding like a trumpet, which is also significant, i.e. it's another clue. This voice that sounds like a trumpet says "come up here and I will show you what must take place after this." After what? The letters represent the 'church period and so the 'what must take place later' would take place after the 'what is now' i.e. what takes place after the church period. This is why the word 'ekklesia/church' does not appear and is never used during the time of the narrative of God's wrath. The use of the word 'hagios/saints' is in reference to that great number of white robed saints which no man can count from every nation, people, tribe and language, making them Gentiles. These are those who will become believers after the church has been removed in Revelation 4:1, which I believe is a prophetic allusion to where the church is gathered in the chronology of Revelation, which would be prior to the first seal being opened in chapter 6.
Now to answer your question, I believe that it is these saints introduced in Revelation 7:9-17, who will become believers in Christ after the church has been removed, will be on the earth along with the remnant of Israel during that seven years and will be under attack from the beast during the last 3 1/2 years of that seven year period. Therefore, this does not have anything to do with the pre, mid or post gathering of the church, but with those people who will become believers after the church has been removed.
Always keep in mind and apply the fact, that Jesus already took upon himself the wrath of God that every believer deserves, satisfying it completely. And therefore, God's wrath no longer rests upon the believer and therefore must be removed prior to God's wrath, which is initiated by the opening of the first seal. The individuals who currently belong to the church have been credited with the righteousness of Christ and have been reconciled to God. Taking into consideration the severity and magnitude of God's wrath and that it is going to come upon the whole inhabited world, then the church must be removed prior to the on-set of said wrath. It just so happens that this group will become believers after the church has been removed and which I am sure was also God ordained. This is why Jesus warns us to always be watching and ready for His appearing to come for us. Otherwise, anyone who has gone back into the world and is again living according to the sinful nature, will be like one of those virgins whose lamps have gone out without having any extra oil and that day will close on them like a trap.