Lesson by Michael Gill
BOTH James and Paul use the EXAMPLE of Abraham's obedient faith to speak about WORKS...
PAUL says justification is NOT of WORKS - of the OLD Law...
JAMES says justification IS of WORKS – the works of GOD/faith.
Recognize there is NO contradiction in what these two men of God preached!!
Each is speaking about... a DIFFERENT type of WORKS !!
BOTH Paul and James speak of the SAME TYPE of “faith” - the type of FAITH that Abraham had... an OBEDIENT faith!
(cf. Romans 1:5, 16:26, 2Ths. 1:8, Hebrews 5:9, 10:39)
From about the middle of Romans chapter 2 through chapter 4, the “works” Paul deems as UNsatisfactory in man's “justification by faith” are...
...the WORKS of the OT law...
...which required PERFECT law keeping!
Abraham's TYPE of faith (trust in and obedience to God) and was looked upon as righteousness by God!
Paul admonishes for the Roman brethren to "walk in the steps" of that TYPE of faith - 4:12 - that Abraham possessed... an OBEDIENT faith!! Obedience to God is NOT OPTIONAL!
Those WORKS provided by GOD's grace remain (cf. Titus 2:11-12), which WORKS earn nothing and allow no boasting (merit) – these being the WORKS of faith/righteousness, as PROVIDED FOR man, by GOD for man's obedience...
...which require CONSISTENT law keeping!
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JAMES 2 speaks about the WORKS of "faith" - NOT the "works of the Law".
James also mentions Abraham’s TYPE of faith at 2:21 - which references Genesis 15:6 - the SAME passage Paul references at Romans 4:3.!
James has some things to say about a "faith without [God's] works" in chapter 2:
Vs. 14 - cannot save.
Vs. 17 – it is dead.
Vs. 18 – cannot be seen.
Vs. 20 – it is dead.
Vs. 26 – it is dead.
A FAITH complemented WITH the works of GOD is:
Vs. 22 – made perfect.
Vs. 24 – is the type of active faith by which man is justified.
James references this TYPE of works at verses 21 and 25 – the type of works that “justify” the one that believes in God, and James uses Abraham and Rahab as examples, with their WORKS of OBEDIENCE providing them with a SAVING faith.
BOTH Paul and James, while speaking about Abraham's obedient faith, speak in the context of a DIFFERENT TYPE of WORKS....