holy heavens! quite ungodly that is! 2nd corinthians 9:7 teaches to give lovingly, willfully & cheerfully. whatever anyone can give in this manner is proper. i've heard of churches with rules similar to what you described. a church with controlling ways is against God. it's amazing how people allow themselves to be duped by control. i believe 1st Corinthians 14:40 also means to have a policy of cheerful giving. there was a church around here who established, that to join, you had to sign a paper that says you will tithe 10% all year. if someone wanted to be married at that church & didn't tithe 10% you couldn't get married there. yup!, you guessed it, a big division developed, amongst other reasons too, & people split off. charles stanley spoke the best statement i ever heard about tithing or extra giving: "i believe you shouldn't ask god for money"! he was only worth a bit over a million when it easily could have been many millions. i would not attend that church & to prevent people wasting time trying out that church, tell them not to attend.
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