"Nehemiah6" did a fine job explaining the verses of Hebrews 4 so I'll let those stand and go on to answer your question, paraphrased - "would seeking to obey God's commands be working for salvation in my eyes?" In short, no. First, we must understand what a covenant relationship is. Often times we think of this like a contract where one party promises one thing if the other party promises to do another. (think of buying a car: you will give me a car IF I give you so much money). The contract does nothing to change us, in fact, it comes between us because the terms of the deal are clearly defined. This is not a covenant. In a covenant relationship, the very definition of the parties changes. Think of Abram/Abraham in Genesis 15-17.
In the context of salvation - and this is where I believe most Christians get it wrong - salvation is not a contract, it is a covenant. The very nature of my being changes. I'm no longer a 'me', I'm a 'we' because Christ is in me. As a result, when it comes to keeping God's commandments, it's not because I HAVE to obey them to be accepted by Him but rather, because of the love that I have for Him I WANT to obey them. This is not me working to obtain any "greater salvation or reward" but working to please my Father and nothing more. As someone once said, "there is nothing you can do to make God love you any less; and nothing you can do to make Him love you any more."
In the context of salvation - and this is where I believe most Christians get it wrong - salvation is not a contract, it is a covenant. The very nature of my being changes. I'm no longer a 'me', I'm a 'we' because Christ is in me. As a result, when it comes to keeping God's commandments, it's not because I HAVE to obey them to be accepted by Him but rather, because of the love that I have for Him I WANT to obey them. This is not me working to obtain any "greater salvation or reward" but working to please my Father and nothing more. As someone once said, "there is nothing you can do to make God love you any less; and nothing you can do to make Him love you any more."
Amen, take this and learn to love others, as god first loved us, and you have found that wonderful rest spoken of in Heb 4.
yet people want to put us under law and place us under the thing the people the law was given to could not do because it was too great a burden