All scripture is of equal weight and authority, because it all comes from God.
All scripture is "God breathed."
It all comes from God.
All scriptures are the very words and thoughts of God, simply given to us through different agents.
God cannot breathe any words that are less than holy and perfect.
God cannot breathe any words that disagree and contradict.
Any words that God breathes, because they come from God, are by definition perfect, pure, holy, and unable to be contradictory.
If all scripture comes by God's spirit, all scripture comes by the spirit of Christ:
If all scripture comes from God, and all scriptures are the words of God, then there is essentially no difference between the words uttered by Christ in bodily form, and the words uttered by the "spirit of Christ" through Paul.
The holy spirit is sometimes called "the spirit of Christ."
This is what moved men to write scripture; it was the the holy spirit... the spirit of Christ.
Whether Christ spoke through his own human mouth during the incarnation, or he spoke through another mouth by his spirit... it is the same Christ.