They did resist the Spirit of God indeed. No argument there. I am just saying what Jews believe from words of God to Moses who penned them.
But my first and foremost point in this thread is that the Oneness Pentecostals I know believe God is Father, Son, Holy Spirit (3 in 1) and Jesus being the WORD made flesh (begotten Son of God).
But my first and foremost point in this thread is that the Oneness Pentecostals I know believe God is Father, Son, Holy Spirit (3 in 1) and Jesus being the WORD made flesh (begotten Son of God).
The Oneness cult again do not believe in God really, they believe in modalism, and merely tried to repackage it with the name of Oneness Pentecostal. They are neither Pentecostals nor Christians. Modalism, which is the central tenet of their evil false religion is a damnable heresy, not very far removed from indeed the beliefs of the Pharisees. Their heresy is not a new heresy, but is an ancient heresy that has been certified by the saints of Jesus to be one that is severe enough to get one a guarantee of damnation. They confuse the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit together into mere modes. They do not believe in the trinity doctrine so they do not really believe in the true God, they believe in a god of their own imagination, little more than a golden calf of Jeroboam to justify their schism and the aggandizement of their cult leaders.
I'm not going to engage with replies as much as I nomally do, but for the sake of the all the replies in just general, I will conclude posting here with an analogy and questions that you need not answer really but just think about it. Say there is a fool that lays down on the highway in the oncoming traffic lane and he claims he is a pedestrian just like us. There are then two other pedestrians that chance upon the fool laying in the road. One that tells the fool to get up out of the traffic, that they can't be a pedestrian and also lay down in traffic, and that they will certainly get hit by a car if they stay where they are. The other one says with all smoothe words that hey you're just like us, you're a pedestrian too, there's nothing wrong with you laying down in the road, it's okay no car will hit you. Which of the two pedestrians is right in what they say about the folly of the fool? If the fool takes their advice, which one's advice will save him and which one will get him certain harm? If the fool is obstinate and listens to neither; what is more likely to happen that one can negotiate an entire change to the rules of road or that the fool will just simply get run under the wheels? So is the analogy to the modalists that merely renamed their ancient heresy as Oneness and how Christianity deals with them.
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