Of course, you won't believe me, because I'm not you, nor you, I. But, I know where you are, as far as where yer head/attitude/heart is.
I was there once myself!
You were baptized? Good! The very "basic" requirement!
But? Just as soon as that "seed of redemption" started growing inside of you? And, you started noticing how
different you were from
everyone around you, who were, and had been baptized much longer then you were acting? It gave cause, and for good reason, for you, to doubt! (this is about the place where you tell me I don't know what I'm talking about, and quit telling you what's in your head

And when God (yep? God, NOT Jesus!) shut off your understanding in yer reading the Bible? It's just as if God was telling you "Go on out
in the world BOY!" "Get to know our enemies, and
their tactics!" "This way?" "You'll become cognizant, how "traditions of men" have made
void My Word!"
Of course, you aren't
there yet! But? Sometime, somewhere, when you least expect it? And, I know this is gonna come off as rather funny, if not quite bizarre? God is going to ask you a question! You'll
KNOW it's Him! Cuz God
knows His "children!" He
knows which buttons to push in the gaining of your attention! Like it or not? Believe it or not? It's
true! It happened to me! And? It'll happen to you too! This "question"
will hang around
until it gets answered! Either Yay! Or Nay!
By you! Then "poof!" It'll be gone! Well? At least gone from
your "attention!"

Took at least 3 er 4 times for me, during a 15-20 year period, in which the "question" changed somewhat. but, I finally answered in the affirmative.
Best advice I can give ya?
Don't hold out!
Because it WILL come! 
This is my first and last post to this thread!