No. Jesus doesn't show us the way. Jesus IS the Way.
Interesting use of language. I sometimes get confused because Jesus talks
about the narrow path, of being yoked to Him, of Him being the way, of Him
being our example, of us following Him, of us being one with Him and doing
things in obedience to His will and the will of the Father.
So Jesus shows us the way, and is the way, and leads along the way, and helps
us walk the way, and in us is walking the way.
It is why I wonder when people us definative statements like no, that is wrong,
or this is the right way of saying this, or this is what is true and what you are saying
is rubbish, crap, evil etc. Invariably nothing is that clear cut, it is one aspect of
the truth, which needs to be balanced with other aspects.
But maybe the fruit of the Spirit is low on some peoples agenda and spiritual life.
God bless you all, may we help build each other up into His glorious Kingdom, Amen.