I would disagree with the poster who said we cannot be lost
God At HIS Word, in faith, Correct? I do know, Biblically, That Even Though
ALL members of The Body Of CHRIST Have Eternal Life," IF we sin, "we Will
Reap what we have sown." (Gal_6:7 KJB!), "grieving/quenching The Holy
Spirit (Ephesians 4 : 30; 1 Thessalonians 5 : 19 KJB!), Who SEALED us!"
(2 Corinthians 1 : 22 KJB!)
Friend, do you have Scripture That "anyone/anything" Can Break THIS SEAL?
IF so, then that person/thing Has MORE Power Than God, Correct?
We're not saved regardless of how we live or what we do.
Other Hand, when a sinner recognizes he has "fallen Short Of The GLORY Of God,"
and then humbly believes The Gospel Of GRACE, God SAVES, SEALS {see above note},
And KEEPS that "child of light" Forever, NEVER Ever "allowing that one to return"
to Again be a Former "child of Darkness!" Amen?
Exactly WHY is this The Truth? Is it not Because Of The "Finished"
CrossWork, Producing The {Satisfying The Father!} ALL-Sufficient BLOOD
Of The LORD And Saviour, JESUS CHRIST? Biblical Confirmation Summary!:
Do we believe God’s UNchangeable Word? Or:
Do we Prefer man-Made doctrine: ie: “Christ ONCE knew the Eternally Saved
believer, but, when that one sinned and walked Away, then Christ did NOT know
that Eternally Saved UNbeliever Any Longer!” Please, Provide Scripture, please?
How does that reconcile With God’s UNchangeable Word Of Truth?:
(1) Another UNbreakable SEAL Of God Almighty's SURE Foundation!:
"The LORD Knoweth them that Are HIS!..." (2 Timothy 2:19 KJB!) Amen?
a) HOW LONG Has "The LORD KNOWN them That Are HIS Own"?
b) Hint: God's UNchangeable Scriptures in Ephesians 1:4-6 KJB!
c) Since THESE "Are UNchangeable," {as a few of us believe},
Then, is not "sin and walking away from the Lord if we once
became His Eternally forgiven and saved child" = man's Change?
(2) For those who are LOST, Exactly where is God's UNchangeable
Scripture of HOW LONG "HE KNEW them," Before they "sinned/walked
away And Became LOST"?........................Hint: Matthew 7:21-23 KJB!)
(3) Please Be Very Richly Blessed In the FULL "study" Here!:
58 Solid Biblical Facts FOR God's Eternal Salvation!
{aka God's FREE Gift of {temporary?} ETERNAL Life!
Precious friend(s), see you in God’s Great GloryLand! ↑