The masks that you wore could not protect other people from anything.
All they protect from is solids, like blood.
Not very likely you will get blood from your mouth onto a patient.
So whoever told you that those masks were to protect patients either was an idiot or assumed you were.
All they protect from is solids, like blood.
Not very likely you will get blood from your mouth onto a patient.
So whoever told you that those masks were to protect patients either was an idiot or assumed you were.
The goal is to prevent infection or something you have being introducved to your patient who is sitting their with their chest open. or their leg open. or whatever surgery you are having.
Nothing is foolproof. that's why you sign a release.
But it is better than nothing.
it is not to protect you. It is to protect your patient.
If a patient is in isolation for a major disease. the mask is not enough to protect you. You have to take deeper actions. I know, my dad had Merca, and just to enter the room I had to put on a full body suit to protect myself. including a plastic face mask.
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