THAT IS YOUR FALSE Narrative. We do have rights, Even Paul used his Rome citizenship when HE was falsely accused. Read in the book of Acts guy.
Do you think getting the vax is showing love to your fellow neighbor? What a lie from the pit of Hell. Snowflakes like you make up this foolishness by only looking at one location that is forcing those to do what you agree with.
Take Florida over my state of California(I am in CA). We have had more restrictive rules and shuts down placed on us yet Florida had very minimal with better results over CA &NEW YORK too. Love your neighbor by telling them the truth, instead of anecdotal personal accounts rather than truth. You Hypocrite.
California has illegal crossing their border who has COVID-19 and loading them up on planes and sending them all over the place and you say stop speaking about rights when one is a Christian? Buffoon, Califonia has 35 % of the national homeless and they have no restriction on the street. They defecate on the street and urinate while throwing their used needles all over the place. We have them dying daily and left there until they are discovered. We are told not to go a clean it up because it is a biohazard.
we have a breakout of Hepatitis, flesh-eating disease, and murder is up by 300% and you think getting vax is showing Love to your neighbor when our leaders have the spirit of stupid on them like many professing Christians who are cowards and live in fear and want us all to be like them? NO!
no control at the border
Not following health guidelines for those who come in illegally
have killed more people in the State of California than COVID-19
I am sick and tired of you who speak sound bites from those democrats and republicans IS is not a SKIN Problem !!!! IT IS A SIN PROBLEM.
Jesus is the answer. I have had COVID-19 and IF I did not have an emergency flight to make from CA to NY I would not have gotten the vax. But I render unto Caesar what is caesar's BUT I will render to GOD what is GODS!.
I ensure you I will not get the booster, and I Will not wear a mask anymore except in those places where my family and friend in their home ask me to do or I will not go to their home.
And those who disagree can Kiss my Blessed Assurance. You live in fear and hypocrisy. NOT ME for me and my house we will serve the Lord. Christian wimps make me sick.
Do you think getting the vax is showing love to your fellow neighbor? What a lie from the pit of Hell. Snowflakes like you make up this foolishness by only looking at one location that is forcing those to do what you agree with.
Take Florida over my state of California(I am in CA). We have had more restrictive rules and shuts down placed on us yet Florida had very minimal with better results over CA &NEW YORK too. Love your neighbor by telling them the truth, instead of anecdotal personal accounts rather than truth. You Hypocrite.
California has illegal crossing their border who has COVID-19 and loading them up on planes and sending them all over the place and you say stop speaking about rights when one is a Christian? Buffoon, Califonia has 35 % of the national homeless and they have no restriction on the street. They defecate on the street and urinate while throwing their used needles all over the place. We have them dying daily and left there until they are discovered. We are told not to go a clean it up because it is a biohazard.
we have a breakout of Hepatitis, flesh-eating disease, and murder is up by 300% and you think getting vax is showing Love to your neighbor when our leaders have the spirit of stupid on them like many professing Christians who are cowards and live in fear and want us all to be like them? NO!
no control at the border
Not following health guidelines for those who come in illegally
have killed more people in the State of California than COVID-19
I am sick and tired of you who speak sound bites from those democrats and republicans IS is not a SKIN Problem !!!! IT IS A SIN PROBLEM.
Jesus is the answer. I have had COVID-19 and IF I did not have an emergency flight to make from CA to NY I would not have gotten the vax. But I render unto Caesar what is caesar's BUT I will render to GOD what is GODS!.
I ensure you I will not get the booster, and I Will not wear a mask anymore except in those places where my family and friend in their home ask me to do or I will not go to their home.
And those who disagree can Kiss my Blessed Assurance. You live in fear and hypocrisy. NOT ME for me and my house we will serve the Lord. Christian wimps make me sick.
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