Tribulation Outtakes

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Well-known member
May 28, 2018
Rev 16:8-11 . .Then the fourth angel poured out his bowl on the sun,
causing it to scorch everyone with its fire. Everyone was burned by this blast
of heat, and they cursed the name of God, who sent all of these plagues.
They did not repent and give him glory.

. . .Then the fifth angel poured out his bowl on the throne of the beast, and
his kingdom was plunged into darkness. And his subjects ground their teeth
in anguish, and they cursed the God of heaven for their pains and sores. But
they refused to repent of all their evil deeds.

Pharaoh stiffened his resolve during those miraculous events in the book of
Exodus, but to my knowledge he never once cursed God. Well these folks in
Revelation show just how hostile and militant the human heart can really get
in its resistance to God's demands. Pretty amazing.


Well-known member
May 28, 2018
Rev 16:12 . . And the sixth angel poured out his vial upon the great river
Euphrates; and the water thereof was dried up, that the way of the kings of
the east might be prepared.

That is curious because in modern warfare; rivers, and even oceans, present
no obstacle to military aircraft. But where are the airplanes in Revelation;
and where are all the mechanized conveyances? Well; there are none, and in
point of fact, war in Revelation is portrayed as fought on horseback and
armies move on foot.

I have an uneasy feeling that the way of life with which us modern folks are
accustomed is coming to an end primarily because oil isn't a renewable
resource, and the Earth's supply is being used up at an alarming rate;
something like 95 million barrels every 24 hours; approximately 34.68
trillion barrels per annum.


Well-known member
May 28, 2018
Rev 16:13-15 . . Then I saw three evil spirits that looked like frogs; they
came out of the mouth of the dragon, out of the mouth of the beast and out
of the mouth of the false prophet. They are spirits of demons performing
miraculous signs, and they go out to the kings of the whole world, to gather
them for the battle on the great day of God Almighty.

. . . Behold, I come like a thief! Blessed is he who stays awake and keeps his
clothes with him, so that he may not go naked and be shamefully exposed.

There is much disagreement in our day as to signs indicating the extraction
described by 1Thess 4:16-17, but the events depicted in Revelation are
neither vague, typical, nor debatable. When all that stuff begins coming to
pass, smart ones will be on the lookout for a really big surprise.

Matt 24:27 . . For just as the lightning comes from the east, and flashes
even to the west, so shall the coming of the Son of Man be.

WHAM; on scene, locked and loaded.


Well-known member
May 28, 2018
Rev 16:17-18 predicts a global earthquake so powerful on the Richter scale
that cities all over the world will collapse at once.

Something like 2,829 lost their lives when the World Trade Center was
demolished by a terrorist attack in 2001. Well that was only a few acres of
New York City. Just imagine the body count when all of Manhattan comes
down at once. along with other major cities like Los Angeles, San Francisco,
Mexico City, Paris, Moscow, Beijing, Tokyo, et al. The carnage will be beyond
belief; and a great many of the dead will be infants and underage children.

* The Bible says that we should consider not only God's benevolence, but
also His severity. (Rom 11:22) Folks in the tribulation will be dealing with a
someone in control far more terrifying than even the tyrants of North Korea,
Communist China, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Iran, and the awful regimes in

Heb 12:29 . . For our God is a consuming fire.

That's a quote from Deut 4:24 which, in context, doesn't describe God's
physical characteristics, rather, it's a figure of speech illustrating rage:
defined by Webster's as violent and uncontrolled anger. It's hard to imagine
Christianity's divine patron ticked off to that extent, but there it is.

A consuming fire is one that cannot be extinguished, i.e. once it gets going,
there's no stopping till all that's aflame is utterly destroyed, viz: an
unquenchable conflagration.


Well-known member
May 28, 2018
Rev 17:21 . . And there fell upon men a great hail out of heaven, every
stone about the weight of a talent: and men blasphemed God because of the
plague of the hail; for the plague thereof was exceeding great.

* Talents were gross units of gold weighing from 75-100 pounds. That would
be a preposterous amount of gold to own in our day when it's current
market value is nearly $1,930 an ounce, but not so bad back there when it
was strictly money instead of traded as a commodity. Gold coins were
common, but try to find one in somebody's pocket today.

Dropping a hail of boulders that size from the sky all over the globe will be
like a deadly implosion smashing, bashing, and crushing most everything it
touches: homes, barns, super markets, strip malls, sports arenas, theaters,
forests, pastures, crops, vehicles, etc.

The natural world will surely experience significant damage among the
critters who live above ground, e.g. hogs, deer, elk, ducks, geese, turkeys,
cows, mustangs, monkeys, gorillas, lions, tigers, hyenas, elephants, giraffes,
butterflies, moths, tortoises, etc.

Just imagine being caught out in the open when that hail starts. Finding
adequate shelter from such a bombardment of ice will be very difficult and
no doubt frightened people will be shrieking and screaming in mortal panic.

Curiously, numbers of people will know the hail is from God but it won't
persuade them to consider making peace with Him, instead; the hail will just
make 'em angry.


Well-known member
May 28, 2018
Rev 19:19-21 . .Then I saw the beast and the kings of the earth and their
armies gathered together to make war against the rider on the horse and his
army. But the beast was captured, and with him the false prophet who had
performed the miraculous signs on his behalf. With these signs he had
deluded those who had received the mark of the beast and worshiped his

. . .The two of them were thrown alive into the fiery lake of burning sulfur.
The rest of them were killed with the sword that came out of the mouth of
the rider on the horse.

The potent weapon proceeding from that person's mouth is speech; which
causes me to wonder why more people weren't afraid of Jesus back in his
day because if by speech he could cure leprosy then by speech he could've
caused someone to come down with leprosy; and if by speech he could
energize a crippled man's legs, then by speech he could've put somebody in
a wheel chair; and if by speech he could restore someone's corpse to life,
then by speech he could've made people drop dead to the floor; and if by
speech he could cure blindness, then by speech he could've put people's
eyes out; and if by speech he could multiply loaves and fishes, then by
speech he could've caused famine; and if by speech he could calm a storm,
then by speech he could've caused a hurricane, a typhoon, and/or a tornado.

David's combat with Goliath was an encounter that was possible for David to
win; but I see no chance of anybody's success in a fight with Christ when he
has at his disposal all the miraculous abilities of the supreme being who,
according to the book of Genesis, created a fully functioning cosmos-- all its
forms of life, matter, and energy --by nothing more than His voice.


Well-known member
May 28, 2018
God's patience is long-suffering. However, He's wise enough to know when
to say when and to stop throwing good money after bad, so to speak. For

2Thess 2:11-12 . . God will send them strong delusion, that they should
believe the lie, that they all may be condemned who did not believe the
truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness.

In other words: there's coming a time when God's patience will reach its
reasonable limits, and He will purposely, willfully, and deliberately make sure
that a certain category of people during the Tribulation have no chance
whatsoever to be spared the wrath of God.

Back when Noah was preparing the ark, no doubt his neighbors all mocked
and poked fun at him as if he were a deranged soul going around with a
sandwich board that reads: Repent; The End Is Near! But when the rain
started, I bet those very same neighbors panicked and tried to get Noah to
open up and let them in. But even had Noah wanted to; he couldn't. The
hatch of the ark was sealed from the outside: and God was the only one on
earth who could open it-- He chose not to.

Rev 1:18 . . I am He who lives, and was dead, and behold, I am alive
forevermore. Amen. And I have the keys of Hades and of Death.

Rev 3:7 . .These are the words of him who is holy and true: who holds the
key of David. What he opens no one can shut, and what he shuts no one can


Well-known member
May 28, 2018
Luke 21:25 . .There will be signs in the sun, moon and stars. On the earth,
nations will be in anguish and perplexity at the roaring and tossing of the

I'd imagine that folks obsessed with climate change would find the roaring
and tossing of the sea a useful political advantage. But of course down the
road when that actually takes place, climate change will likely lose much of
the popularity it currently enjoys as people will no doubt be far more
interested in surviving than politics.

Luke 21:26 . . Men will faint from terror, apprehensive of what is coming
on the world, for the heavenly bodies will be shaken.

That will be a very dangerous time for elder citizens as anxiety attacks can
be fatal for folks in advanced age.


Well-known member
Feb 17, 2023
Rev 16:12 . . And the sixth angel poured out his vial upon the great river
Euphrates; and the water thereof was dried up, that the way of the kings of
the east might be prepared.

That is curious because in modern warfare; rivers, and even oceans, present
no obstacle to military aircraft. But where are the airplanes in Revelation;
and where are all the mechanized conveyances? Well; there are none, and in
point of fact, war in Revelation is portrayed as fought on horseback and
armies move on foot.

I have an uneasy feeling that the way of life with which us modern folks are
accustomed is coming to an end primarily because oil isn't a renewable
resource, and the Earth's supply is being used up at an alarming rate;
something like 95 million barrels every 24 hours; approximately 34.68
trillion barrels per annum.

Also when you have the very large amount of soldiers that the Bible mentions, it would be more convenient and economical to have them invade by foot. I don't think China and the other Asian countries (probably will have no choice) will be able to build so many airplanes to fly all those soldiers to where they need to go.

I have to admit that I'm happy that the kings of East will try to resist the AC. Too bad that they don't know Jesus enough to take His side when He shows up.



Well-known member
Feb 17, 2023
Rev 6:5 . . And when He broke the third seal, I heard the third living
creature saying: Come! And I looked, and behold, a black horse; and he who
sat on it had a pair of scales in his hand.

Scales (a.k.a. balances) were mechanical devices used in the application of
commercial weights and measures. Modern electronic scales are quite a bit
more sophisticated.

The black horse in this case indicates hunger. (compare the pale horse's
assignment in Rev 6:8)

Rev 6:6a . . And I heard as it were a voice in the center of the four living
creatures saying: A measure of wheat for a denarius, and three measures of
of barley for a denarius;

The Greek word translated "measure" is roughly equal to 1.09 liters or 2.3
US pints. The denarius is widely assumed to have been equivalent to a day's
pay for soldiers and/or laborers.

It's a pretty good guess that what we're looking at is hand-to-mouth
existence due to inflationary pricing caused by the simple fact that there just
won't be enough to go around; for example:

"When I cut off your supply of bread, ten women will be able to bake your
bread in one oven, and they will dole out the bread by weight. You will eat,
but you will not be satisfied." (Lev 26:26)

Rev 6:6b . . do not damage the oil and the wine!

Oil made from olives was common in just about everybody's kitchen and
served as a shortening. (cf. 1Kngs 17:8-12) Wine was a common first aid
treatment, likely due to its alcohol content (e.g. Luke 10:34) and also useful
as a sedative (Prov 31:6-7)

NOTE: The oil used in Luke 10:34 was likely an essential oil rather olive, e.g.
Myrrh, Clove, and/or Frankincense.

Olive oil prices soared lately:



Well-known member
Feb 17, 2023
"Worship of the Beast will be universal, mandatory, and strictly enforced
regardless of "

But before all this what is written? No believer who's name was written in the Lambs book before the foundation of the world will worship the beast. I will stop there..

Well it seems its just another.. quote a bunch of scriptures and then gives his own personal understanding.. Thanks.

??? He wrote:


2Thess 2:9-12 . . .This evil man will come to do the work of Satan with
counterfeit power and signs and miracles. He will use every kind of wicked
to fool those who are on their way to destruction because they
refuse to believe the truth that would save them.
So God will send great
deception upon them, and they will believe all these lies.

Worship of the Beast will be universal, mandatory, and strictly enforced
regardless of age, race, gender, and/or ethnic identity-- a one-world mega
religion that blows all others out of the water, e.g. Islam, Mormonism,
Hinduism, Christianity, Judaism, Baha'i, Buddhism, etc.

He wasn't including God's people in this group the way you're inferring.

There IS a one-world religious institution that's already been started:



Well-known member
Feb 17, 2023
Rev 13:7-8 . . And it was given unto him to make war with the saints, and
to overcome them; and power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues,
and nations. And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose
names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the
foundation of the world.

Because we're talking about all kindreds, and tongues, and nations; then I
think we may safely assume that the "saints" in this case are possibly
anyone and everybody that can be counted as loyal to God; both Jew and
Gentile. This may or may not refer to armed conflict but for sure it's related
to oppression; and it's going to be very effective if we reckon these saints to
be the innumerable crowd depicted at Rev 7:9-17.

The Beast's management practices are extreme, but not all that unusual.
Take for example modern communist China. It's very dangerous to be
openly religious in that country, and/or hold values that differ with the
regime's, where they harvest the organs of Falun Gong adherents without
their consent. The situation in North Korea is little better where God is
second place to Kim Jong-Un.

* The Lamb slain "from the foundation of the world" reveals that Jesus
wasn't a stand-by paramedic sent to an unexpected train wreck, rather; he
was designated, and scheduled, to die on a cross for the sins of the world
prior to God creating even a single atom for the current cosmos. (cf. 1Pet

I think the Jewish Holocaust during WW2 is a precursor of how the AC will treat Christians, only worse. The Jews back then could not imagine just how bad it was going to be for them, but Christians have the Holy Spirit and the Bible so that we are not uninformed. And we have the Holy Spirit to make us strong through the persecution and execution of the saints. For those who took the Lord's and the Bible's warnings seriously for what's to come, He will prepare us to endure even unto death so that we will not fail Him.



Well-known member
Feb 17, 2023
It's generally agreed among conservative Christians that no saved person
will enter the Tribulation; but there will be a large number of lost souls
saved out of it; though at great cost to their welfare. They mustn't allow
their misfortunes during that era to persuade them that they've bought into
a fraud.


"I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this
world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world."
(John 16:33)

When peace like a river attendeth my way,
When sorrows like sea billows roll;
Whatever my lot, thou has taught me to say:
It is well, it is well, with my soul.
(Horatio P. Spafford, 1828-1888)

The Great Tribulation is not God's Wrath. But we'll all realize that when it happens and we're all still here.



Well-known member
May 28, 2018
Rev 8:1 . .When he opened the seventh seal, there was silence in heaven
for about half an hour.

A reason for the silence isn't given, but I suspect the one in charge will be
thinking about what he has to do next, and reluctant to bring it on; because
the next round will be devastating beyond belief-- and once started, won't
be stopped.

Ezek 18:23 . . Have I any pleasure at all that the wicked should die-- saith
the Lord God --and not that he should return from his ways, and live?


Well-known member
May 28, 2018
Mark 3:29 is often said to be "the" unpardonable sin. There are others; for
example the mark of the Beast is lethal too.

Rev 14:9-11 . . And another angel, a third one, followed them, saying with
a loud voice: If anyone worships the beast and his image, and receives a
mark on his forehead or upon his hand, he also will drink of the wine of the
wrath of God, which is mixed in full strength in the cup of His anger; and he
will be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels
and in the presence of the Lamb.

. . . And the smoke of their torment goes up forever and ever; and they
have no rest day and night, those who worship the beast and his image, and
whoever receives the mark of his name.

The world saw a sampling of the mark of the beast during the Covid 19
pandemic. In some areas folks risked the loss of their jobs, their careers,
and their licenses to practice for refusing to accept a Covid vacc, and
shoppers had to show proof of inoculation before they could even enter a
store to purchase basic necessities. So we can be fairly certain the passage
below is at the very least plausible.

Rev 13:16-17 . . And he causes all, the small and the great, and the rich
and the poor, and the free men and the slaves, to be given a mark on their
right hand, or on their forehead, and he provides that no one should be able
to buy or to sell, except the one who has the mark, either the name of the
beast or the number of his name.


Well-known member
May 28, 2018
Rev 12:1 . . A great sign appeared in the sky, a woman clothed with the
Sun, with the Moon under her feet, and on her head a crown of twelve stars.

That sign is sometimes interpreted to indicate Jesus' mom; and I guess
that's okay if the Bible reader happens to be a Catholic.

But it's far more likely the sign is taken from Joseph's dream (Gen 37:9)
which Jacob interpreted as a reference to his clan, a.k.a. the people of

"When he told it to his father and his brothers, his father reproved him and
asked: What is the meaning of this dream of yours? Can it be that I and
your mother and your brothers are to come and bow to the ground before
you?" (Gen 37:10)

As the family's prophet, Jacob's inspired intuition instantly caught the
dream's message; although it did make him a bit indignant. However, the
olde boy didn't brush the dream aside because his prophetic insight told him
there just might be something to it

The mother element of the family of Israel consists of a composite unity
consisting of four biological moms-- Rachel, Leah, Bilhah and Zilpah. So the
logical conclusion is that the Moon's identity included all four women rather
than limited to Joseph's mom alone; who at the time was already deceased.

Anyway: I'm guessing that what we're told by the sign is that in spite of the
Dragon's best efforts, he has thus far failed to stop Christ from taking the
reins. In other words: Christ is still on track to return and no one can stop

"She gave birth to a son, a male child, destined to rule all the nations with
an iron rod." (Rev 12:5a)

That would be a reference to the 2nd Psalm wherein Christ's opponents are
soundly mocked as air heads; so to speak.

NOTE: I was baptized an infant into Roman Catholicism; and in time sat thru
enough catechism to complete First Holy Communion and Confirmation.

Well; I must've been either asleep or absent the day when the nuns spoke of
Christ's return to conquer the world because I cannot remember ever once
hearing of it till I was 24 years old. The news was a shock not only because I
was taken by surprise, but also because I instinctively knew that were I to
stand before Christ for a face-to-face it would not go well for me because I
had a lot to answer for.
Dec 27, 2018
Rev 6:5 . . And when He broke the third seal, I heard the third living
creature saying: Come! And I looked, and behold, a black horse; and he who
sat on it had a pair of scales in his hand.

Scales (a.k.a. balances) were mechanical devices used in the application of
commercial weights and measures. Modern electronic scales are quite a bit
more sophisticated.

The black horse in this case indicates hunger. (compare the pale horse's
assignment in Rev 6:8)

Rev 6:6a . . And I heard as it were a voice in the center of the four living
creatures saying: A measure of wheat for a denarius, and three measures of
of barley for a denarius;

The Greek word translated "measure" is roughly equal to 1.09 liters or 2.3
US pints. The denarius is widely assumed to have been equivalent to a day's
pay for soldiers and/or laborers.

It's a pretty good guess that what we're looking at is hand-to-mouth
existence due to inflationary pricing caused by the simple fact that there just
won't be enough to go around; for example:

"When I cut off your supply of bread, ten women will be able to bake your
bread in one oven, and they will dole out the bread by weight. You will eat,
but you will not be satisfied." (Lev 26:26)

Rev 6:6b . . do not damage the oil and the wine!

Oil made from olives was common in just about everybody's kitchen and
served as a shortening. (cf. 1Kngs 17:8-12) Wine was a common first aid
treatment, likely due to its alcohol content (e.g. Luke 10:34) and also useful
as a sedative (Prov 31:6-7)

NOTE: The oil used in Luke 10:34 was likely an essential oil rather olive, e.g.
Myrrh, Clove, and/or Frankincense.
During the time of the two witnesses,it will not rain during the time of their testimony.Wheat prices will be sky high .


Well-known member
May 28, 2018
Down at the end of all with which we are familiar, the announcement below
will be made.

Rev 22:11 . . Let the evildoer still do evil, and the filthy still be filthy, and
the righteous still do right, and the holy still be holy.

In other words: the people to whom those words pertain, will be stuck with
who and what they are with no chance of ever being any different. That's
good news for the righteous and/or holy, whereas really bad news for folks
who end up on the wrong side of things. The ones in the lake of fire will be
forever unfit for anyplace else.