Because from Johns own Disciples (Church Fathers) to Reformers like Calvin and Wesley all make claims the spiritually Alive and Dead happen right before Armageddon
^ I don't understand what you are trying to communicate in the above (underlined and bold). Would you mind perhaps re-phrasing? They "all make claims,"
and the rest will be killed in Armageddon
Yeah, I think I said that... right.
and all the spiritually dead will await the 1,000 years before they're judged.
But what does
Chrysostom mean [not that I agree with his perspective on everything

] when he (further down) says,
"When these things then are done, then also will be the voice of the Archangel shouting and commanding the Angels, and the trumpets, or rather the sound of the trumpet.
What trembling then, what fear will possess those that remain upon the earth [THAT'S WHAT I JUST SAID Chrysostom meant about them "REMAINING" where they are ALREADY LOCATED--NOT "MOVING" is what Chrysostom meant by the word "WITHIN" ('await the judge WITHIN')]. For one woman is caught up
and another is left behind, and one man is taken, and another is passed over. (
Matthew 24:40, 41;
Luke 17:34, 35.) What will be the state of their souls,
when they see some indeed taken up, but themselves left behind?
Will not these things be able to shake their souls
more terribly than any hell?"
Now, to be clear,
I do NOT see the
"taken" [and "left"] verses (Mt24:40-41 / Lk17:34-35 ^ ) to be speaking of "
taken in our Rapture" (I believe
"taken" in these texts refers to those "
taken away IN JUDGMENT"
just as in Noah's day... IOW, it was NOT Noah who "knew not until," it was the UNSAVED who PERISHED in the flood judgment who "knew not until" BECAUSE they chose to
DISREGARD the Word of God via Noah, who was a "preacher of righteousness," and... when "IN which" [Spirit]
He spoke through the mouthpiece of Noah in the days "while the ark was a preparing" 1Pet3:20--THAT's why "
THEY knew not UNTIL"... not because they didn't hear Noah preaching [/warning of judgment to come], but because they DISREGARDED the Word of God via Noah, and thus perished in the flood-judgment).
Chrysostom is using the passages this way, and what I said (about his wording) is actually the case... that he believed once we're "caught up," the condemned "
AWAIT the judge
meaning, right where they are already located--still-living yet--on the earth--at that point]"... which he later
describes as those "left behind"
NOT suggesting he meant it in the way that modern writers use the phrase "left behind"... I'm just pointing out that he is indeed speaking of those "still-living" condemned/unsaved persons at the time-slot he's referencing... and then I asked what does he mean by "
AWAIT the judge..." because
that could [or COULD HAVE] meant something other than an "instantaneous" split-second moment...
"AWAIT" doesn't often carry such a meaning, as I see it).
And neither do I think he meant by "AWAIT the judge
WITHIN" to be referring to the
1000-yr later GWTj (based on his further-down quote re: those "left behind" by which he means
the "condemned" but still-living, yet--still located where they were, on the earth, at the time-slot
Chrysostom was speaking of)