@Thruthnightmare 's Post #399, where you'd asked,
"The question is caught up to where?"
Well, first we need to back up and address what you'd put in another recent post,
"The subject is where the dead are [1Th4:13-18]"
I propose that THIS is NOT the understood question that Paul is addressing here in this text.
He is addressing the understood question of,
"HOW will it be the case that "GOD SHALL ALSO BRING WITH [G4862 - UNIONed-with] Him/Jesus" the dead in Christ," seeing as they've died beforehand.
Paul says, Here's HOW. The dead in Christ SHALL RISE FIRST... then explains the "caught up together with" them thing... and further says, "AND SO [IN THIS MANNER] shall WE ever be WITH [G4862 - UNIONed-with] the Lord"... (there is NO "UNIONed-with Him" thing PRIOR TO the "caught up together with them" thing (in glorified bodies), see! So the "shall God bring with [G4862 UNIONed-with] Him" cannot be speaking of them coming with Him in their spirits from where they are presently "at home with [G4314 - pros] the Lord" when He descends from heaven with a shout FOR "the meeting of the Lord in the air" thing. No.)
IOW, Paul is not concerning them with a supposed worry about "where their dead loved ones are presently [as believers]," as you've suggested.
And Paul is not saying that God will "BRING WITH [UNIONed-with] HIM" those dead in Christ when He is going to "the meeting of the Lord IN THE AIR" point in time:
"... so also God those having fallen asleep through Jesus shall bring WITH [G4862 - UNIONed-with] Him"... when He RETURNS to the earth in Rev19, visibly manifest before all eyes, and we [the ENTIRE "Church which is His body," none left out (just b/c they'd "died")] with Him
(see word order https://biblehub.com/text/1_thessalonians/4-14.htm );
same thing that Col3:4 is talking about, where it says, "When Christ, who is our life, shall appear [to make manifest], then shall ye also appear with [G4862 - UNIONed-with] him in glory.
"The question is caught up to where?"
Well, first we need to back up and address what you'd put in another recent post,
"The subject is where the dead are [1Th4:13-18]"
I propose that THIS is NOT the understood question that Paul is addressing here in this text.
He is addressing the understood question of,
"HOW will it be the case that "GOD SHALL ALSO BRING WITH [G4862 - UNIONed-with] Him/Jesus" the dead in Christ," seeing as they've died beforehand.
Paul says, Here's HOW. The dead in Christ SHALL RISE FIRST... then explains the "caught up together with" them thing... and further says, "AND SO [IN THIS MANNER] shall WE ever be WITH [G4862 - UNIONed-with] the Lord"... (there is NO "UNIONed-with Him" thing PRIOR TO the "caught up together with them" thing (in glorified bodies), see! So the "shall God bring with [G4862 UNIONed-with] Him" cannot be speaking of them coming with Him in their spirits from where they are presently "at home with [G4314 - pros] the Lord" when He descends from heaven with a shout FOR "the meeting of the Lord in the air" thing. No.)
IOW, Paul is not concerning them with a supposed worry about "where their dead loved ones are presently [as believers]," as you've suggested.
And Paul is not saying that God will "BRING WITH [UNIONed-with] HIM" those dead in Christ when He is going to "the meeting of the Lord IN THE AIR" point in time:
"... so also God those having fallen asleep through Jesus shall bring WITH [G4862 - UNIONed-with] Him"... when He RETURNS to the earth in Rev19, visibly manifest before all eyes, and we [the ENTIRE "Church which is His body," none left out (just b/c they'd "died")] with Him
(see word order https://biblehub.com/text/1_thessalonians/4-14.htm );
same thing that Col3:4 is talking about, where it says, "When Christ, who is our life, shall appear [to make manifest], then shall ye also appear with [G4862 - UNIONed-with] him in glory.
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