The greatest gift from God to man is forgiveness.
It came in the form of a man. Who lived, died and rose again according to scripture.
He is the way, the truth, the life. His blood washed away the sins of the world.
For the work of the father was to beleive the son of whom he sent, and the work of the son was to glorify the father, and the father is well pleased in him.
For this son did not come to be served but to serve. He had not come to condemn and destroy but to save and restore.
This he did not do for his own sake but for those who beleive and obey.
For it was the fathers good pleasure to give us the kingdom. The kingdom of righteousness, and holiness, that shall never end.
So for the glory that was set before him he endured the cross, for yet while we were sinners he died for us.
That upon the third day according to scripture he rose from the dead giving testimony to the truth that was in him.
It came in the form of a man. Who lived, died and rose again according to scripture.
He is the way, the truth, the life. His blood washed away the sins of the world.
For the work of the father was to beleive the son of whom he sent, and the work of the son was to glorify the father, and the father is well pleased in him.
For this son did not come to be served but to serve. He had not come to condemn and destroy but to save and restore.
This he did not do for his own sake but for those who beleive and obey.
For it was the fathers good pleasure to give us the kingdom. The kingdom of righteousness, and holiness, that shall never end.
So for the glory that was set before him he endured the cross, for yet while we were sinners he died for us.
That upon the third day according to scripture he rose from the dead giving testimony to the truth that was in him.

Hebrews 12:1-3
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