This is just not true. Justin Martyr, Ignatius, Ephrem the syrian, Tertullian, all the reformers, and 99% of Christians today all believe that the rapture is yet to happen.
Amillennialists do not make a big deal out of it like the pentecostals do, but you ask any Lutheran if the Church will be caught up in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air when He returns and they will say YES.
You are on lonely waters with this, that does not mean it can not be true. But to say that what you are teaching has been taught for 1800 years is just not true, as if all of a sudden people started believing the resurrection is future 200 years ago. Not true.
ADDITION: To answer your previous post while I am at it, to the death is swallowed up in victory verse you posted. The answer truly is resurrection resurrection resurrection. Because death and hades are thrown into the lake of fire. Not to mention once you have a glorified resurrected body you will no longer die.
Again what you are doing is gnosticism on the low, claiming that this death is about some spiritual separation, the gnostics used exactly the same phrases. The flesh is evil inherently, therefore we who believe in a literal physical resurrection are carnally minded fools who need to open our spiritual eyes.