I read the KJV, and use it, but I will not say anything about the other translations for I am sure they claim Jesus as Lord and Savior, and the Gospel of Christ, and to be led of the Spirit acting Christlike.
The KJV has 66 books in it like the modern translations.
But out of curiosity.
It is the word of God, and He wants His word going out to the public so they can learn the truth.
If they say that the KJV has flaws, and outdated, and the modern versions correct are they saying that nobody had the whole truth of the Bible until the modern versions came out.
And if the KJV has the 66 books why weren't they translated correctly to the whole truth.
And if God wants His word to be known so people can know the truth, and the KJV has flaws what did they use back then to understand the whole of God's word, and what else was available if we only hear of people using the KJV until the modern translatons, for that is all I know they used the KJV that has 66 books.
But mainly that nobody had the whole truth of God's word until the modern translations out of all the years that the word of God had been out.
But I would like to know the flaws that people say there is so I will know.
It is like Jehovah's witness saying we have truth, or the Mormon Church, or Scientology, that started not too long ago, but you mean to tell me that nobody had the truth until they came out.
Out of all the years the word of God has been around nobody had the whole truth until the modern translations, and what did they use back then besides the KJV that had the whole truth, and if God wants His word to be known and the KJV was the popular Bible for many years why was it not translated wholly correct if it is the word of God.
Even a heathen that acknowledges the God of Israel can translate it correctly if that is all God can use to do the job, which they may interpret it differently in places, but it can be translated correctly, which look at the Catholic Church that goes by the KJV, or the modern versions, but they do not interpret many scriptures correctly.
For king Nebuchadnezzar was a heathen king, but he acknowledged the God of Israel as the greatest God of all the gods, and proclaimed throughout his kingdom to acknowledge the God of Israel, and anybody that said anything amiss against the God of Israel shall be cut in pieces, and their house made a dunghill, and because of that Babylon flourished, and is the greatest Gentile kingdom ever referred to as gold, and riding on eagle's wings because of the revelation of God, until his son blew it and the kingdom was stripped from Babylon and given to the Medes and Persians.
No nation did it correctly in the truth but Israel when they were in the truth, for all Gentile kingdoms mingled the truth of the God of Israel, and heathen ways together including America that acknowledges the God of Israel, but allows all religions to be practiced there including Satanism, the occult, and the new age movement, and witchcraft.
What did they use back then when the KJV came out to have the whole truth of God's word, for nobody had the whole truth of God's word out of all the years it has been out until the modern versions came out.
I would like to know what is these flaws of the KJV so I will know.
The KJV translators were sure not afraid to claim Jesus as Lord and Savior, the Gospel of Christ, to be led of the Spirit acting Christlike, and having faith, confessing Christ, so why did not everything fall in to place, and it was not translated wholly correct if they confessed the essentials to be saved, and God wants His word to be known, and it has 66 books, and was the popular Bible for many years.