i have told you
and they have told you so many times.
and yet you refuse to see.
until you acknowledge what others have told you, there is nothing to,discuss
i have told you
and they have told you so many times.
and yet you refuse to see.
until you acknowledge what others have told you, there is nothing to,discuss
Calvin also stated:
[W]hat they [the Christians at Corinth] had attained so far is nothing, unless they keep steadily on; because it is not enough that they once started off on the way of the Lord, if they do not make an effort to reach the goal.3
. W. Pink’s book Practical Christianity, Pink taught, “f there is a reserve in your obedience, you are on the road to hell.”4
Pink also said:
Something more than believing in Christ is necessary to ensure the soul’s reaching Heaven.5
Reformed minister John Otis states that, “maintaining an unforgiving spirit . . . will surely destroy our souls in hell.”6
In his book, The Doctrine of Sanctification, A. W. Pink stated:
[H]oliness in this life is such a part of our “salvation” that it is a necessary means to make us meet to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in heavenly light and glory.7
Calvinist theologian and co-founder of the Westminster Theological Seminary, Dr. John Murray states:
[L]et us appreciate the doctrine of the perseverance of the saints and recognize that we may entertain the faith of our security in Christ only as we persevere in faith and holiness to the end.8