I vaguely recall in our convos the difficulty I'm finding in your "chronology"... for example, I had posted the following (as part of our discussion--if I'm recalling rightly that it was with you, and I think I am

quoting an old post on the
"[BE] SET UP [H5414]" of Daniel 12:11]
Here's something I posted back in ___, when discussing with ___... Note especially the parts about the "
abomination [SINGULAR]" that
both Matthew 24:15 and Daniel 12:11 use (
connecting these in particular) and the word for "set up" in Dan12:11--I believe this is important to note:
[quoting that post from back then (pretty sure my highlighting won't transfer here)]
Here's my thinking on that.
I think I've mentioned a cpl times the usage of the "abomination [singular]" that Jesus refers to (where He said
in Matt24:15 "When ye therefore see the
abomination [singular] of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, standing in the holy place..."), that this points back to
its usage in the singular also in Daniel, that being Daniel 12:11 "the
abomination [singular] which maketh desolate
SET UP [H5414]..."; so it is this
"set up [H5414]" word that I think may help us when looking into [...<snip>...]
"set up" - H5414 - "weletet/nathan" - [meaning] "give, put, set [established, permit, executes]"
"and the abomination [
singular (like Matt24:15)] that maketh desolate
set up [H5414]..."
https://biblehub.com/interlinear/daniel/12-11.htm [then hover your cursor over
the number 5414, here at link, to see the pop-up extended definition and usages]
Allow me to just insert (what I've said in the past), I do believe the "flee"
in Matt24:16 correlates with the "fled/fly" of
Rev12:6,14 (with 1260 days remaining until His Second Coming
to the earth FOR the commencement of the promised and prophesied
earthly Millennial Kingdom)… so there's that, to consider also.
i.e. the duration of time in both passages ENDS at the point in time of His Second Coming
to the earth (not "our Rapture") and the resurrection of OT saints (per Dan12:
13's wording speaking of "at the END of the days [the "days" referred to in THAT context]") FOR the promised and prophesied EARTHLY Millennial Kingdom--the "G347 - shall sit down [around a table/at a meal]" (Matt8:11, for example)--Whereas Daniel 12:
12 speaks of those who will
still be LIVING at that same point in time:
"BLESSED" (parallel with about 8-9 other "BLESSED" passages that speak to this same Subject matter/time-slot--like Luke 12:36-37,38,40-42 'when he will RETURN FROM the wedding'... THEN the meal... "BLESSED" (and this passage's parallels--Matt24:42-47 "BLESSED," etc); and like in Rev19:9 "BLESSED" re: "the wedding FEAST/SUPPER" i.e. the MK age (distinct from v.7); and like in Rev16:15-16 "BLESSED" (Armageddon timing), etc etc]
See also
Matthew 24:15's "standing [G2476 - histemi]" :
"standing [G2476 - hestos/histemi]" … "
Usage: trans: (a) I make to stand, place, set up, establish, appoint; mid: I place myself, stand, (b) I set in balance, weigh; intrans: (c) I stand, stand by, stand still; met: I stand ready, stand firm, am steadfast." [source: Bible Hub;
G2476 in Matthew 24:15 is a "transitive verb" as shown defined in the bolded portion above]
[end quoting that portion, with a clarifying inserted bracketed section for this post]
I had also mentioned the "chronology" aspect supplied by the wording in Lk21:12, which (when boiled down) says that the beginning of birth pangs won't happen until the 70ad events take place "BEFORE" them... and that the 70ad events "end" with what Lk21:24b states, "and they shall be led away captive into all the nations" (with v.32's "ALL"--"till ALL be fulfilled" necessarily INCLUDING what v.24b just said), whereas Matt24:29-31's "end [-result / -outcome]" (when viewing its parallel passage of Isa27:12-13) has them being gathered TO... JERUSALEM"--the EXACT OPPOSITE "outcomes / ends".
As I recall it (tho somewhat fuzzy, I admit), your viewpoint does not have adequate explanation for these things. So I remain unconvinced of your view. = )