Jesus, the High Priest, gave the Holy Spirit to the Apostles, and to their successors (Acts 1:15-26) when He gave them the power to forgive sins..the Sacrament of Confession. Appearing to them through locked doors Jesus said.. "Peace be to you. AS the Father has sent me I now send YOU." When He had said this He breathed on them and said, "Receive the Holy Spirit. Whose sins YOU forgive shall be forgiven. And whose sins you retain shall be retained." (John 20:21-23) I hear no more beautiful Words than those spoken by the Holy Spirit to me, through His Priest, than.. "I absolve thee of thy sins.."
You should be careful on how you hear or say you hear. . Keep the gospel light on your path.
The moment a person begins to draw faith from the temporal corrupted or dead things seen they fall from grace .
that was previously held by the eternal unseen things of God..
The next things that naturally succession is men begin to elegize the corrupted flesh of others .And in familiarity even when they disappear they remain a source of faith .The bible calls them workers with familiar spirts a abomination .
Catholic call them patron saints (3500 and rising). Speeding up the process of creating saints .
The Christian foundation builds its faith on the word of God. Not the oral traditions of men called fathers like this one necromancy . They follow another written law, another source of faith and in doing so destroy the meaning of words like the word apostle. (sent one) Not the dead sought after one, or powerful ones .
Rendering "sent one" (with the gospel) useless throughout the Bible.
Abel the first recorded apostle and martyr.
The father of lies the great counterfeiter .
In that way no need for the Holy Spirit and our Father in heaven. .Just call a legion of men . . fathers on earth. . simply have
it as a source of faith after a legion of fathers.
The goal or wile of the devil . Replace the memory of a true saints and cause confusion as to who does open up the eyes of the blind and move the lame to walk.
law of the Catholic fathers ...St. Abel.. is one of the most well known saints in the world. He was commemorated as patron saint of the blind and lame. Bishop of Reims.
No person can serve two teaching masters .A lesson from the garden of Eden . Don't turn an blind eye

toward the spirit that reveals the mysteries and look to the things seen .

marvel not .