This is a judgment call, because one would have to go to EVERY church that claims this verse & see if indeed they are using coercion to fill their seats.
A good example: I personally believe it means to meet as often as we will, & I don't use this as a coercion of any kind.
When you judge "those who say", you are judging me and anyone else on CC that believes this.
I for one, don't appreciate it.
If you don't want to go to church, just say so. But don't accuse those that do & believe this verse.
Personally, I believe we all could do better than we are doing in this thread... stop arguing, for one.
A good example: I personally believe it means to meet as often as we will, & I don't use this as a coercion of any kind.
When you judge "those who say", you are judging me and anyone else on CC that believes this.
I for one, don't appreciate it.
If you don't want to go to church, just say so. But don't accuse those that do & believe this verse.
Personally, I believe we all could do better than we are doing in this thread... stop arguing, for one.
Does the practice of dividing the Body into denominations support the Biblical teaching of being placed by the Spirit into “one Body”? How many say “I believe the Bible” yet support divisions in the Body with their actions on Sundays?
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