@2ndTimeIsTheCharm ….
So now you are judging me and calling me out as one of the wolves in sheep’s clothing, an antichrist? I’m trying to mix into Christian Chat the leaven of the Pharisees? Do you even know what they taught? I should be publicly called out because I’m committing a sin of heresy and need to repent? What I have to say on this forum is gangrene? Whew! That’s quite a bagful of accusations. I’m glad my heavenly Father taught me who I am in Christ, and not you.
Let me say this gently…. A difference of opinion/interpretation is not a sin that leads to death. We are all trying to learn here. Members are all on various stages of their Christian walk. Let “iron sharpen iron.” Think for yourself and not for others. We all have the Word.
Next, you are not the overseer of the flock here. I wish we had more oversight. But we don’t. So it would really be to your own benefit to be watchful for your own soul. You say what you believe fairly well, I think. It’s up to me, and me alone, to see whether it jives with scripture. I will never make a judgment about you or what you say for anyone else—or talk about you in the third person for all the forum eyes to read. I am talking just to you.
I really hated to call you out for talking about other members here because I didn’t want to embarrass you—but you were really embarrassing yourself by doing that. It is so VERY rude to discuss another member of this forum with the others without addressing the person in question directly. I called out your behavior more in the spirit of an older woman teaching a younger one (Titus 2:4-6). I’m sorry that my public post embarrassed you. However, what I said to you was VERY different from accusing you of being a “fake” Christian. I don’t know your heart; and obviously you don’t know mine. I do believe that ALL we say and do should honor the Word of God. Don’t you?
I am well aware of what Jesus taught about how to handle a problem between Christians, so there really is no need to bombard me and everyone else with your totally off-topic article.
There is so much bad behavior among the brethren here on the forum—so many angry words. It saddens me so much that perhaps I was out of line in offering advice publicly. Lots of people come here to be encouraged, to read and learn. When Christians attack each other, it sets such a bad example. When people meet me, I want them to see Christ in me. Don’t you? Do you really believe the Light is shining in this thread? Sadly, I don’t, and I’m pretty sure that everyone already agrees that ALL of God’s elect are dearly loved, that they are all saved by grace through faith in this present age. GRACE—what a blessing!
So now you are judging me and calling me out as one of the wolves in sheep’s clothing, an antichrist? I’m trying to mix into Christian Chat the leaven of the Pharisees? Do you even know what they taught? I should be publicly called out because I’m committing a sin of heresy and need to repent? What I have to say on this forum is gangrene? Whew! That’s quite a bagful of accusations. I’m glad my heavenly Father taught me who I am in Christ, and not you.
Let me say this gently…. A difference of opinion/interpretation is not a sin that leads to death. We are all trying to learn here. Members are all on various stages of their Christian walk. Let “iron sharpen iron.” Think for yourself and not for others. We all have the Word.
Next, you are not the overseer of the flock here. I wish we had more oversight. But we don’t. So it would really be to your own benefit to be watchful for your own soul. You say what you believe fairly well, I think. It’s up to me, and me alone, to see whether it jives with scripture. I will never make a judgment about you or what you say for anyone else—or talk about you in the third person for all the forum eyes to read. I am talking just to you.
I really hated to call you out for talking about other members here because I didn’t want to embarrass you—but you were really embarrassing yourself by doing that. It is so VERY rude to discuss another member of this forum with the others without addressing the person in question directly. I called out your behavior more in the spirit of an older woman teaching a younger one (Titus 2:4-6). I’m sorry that my public post embarrassed you. However, what I said to you was VERY different from accusing you of being a “fake” Christian. I don’t know your heart; and obviously you don’t know mine. I do believe that ALL we say and do should honor the Word of God. Don’t you?
I am well aware of what Jesus taught about how to handle a problem between Christians, so there really is no need to bombard me and everyone else with your totally off-topic article.
There is so much bad behavior among the brethren here on the forum—so many angry words. It saddens me so much that perhaps I was out of line in offering advice publicly. Lots of people come here to be encouraged, to read and learn. When Christians attack each other, it sets such a bad example. When people meet me, I want them to see Christ in me. Don’t you? Do you really believe the Light is shining in this thread? Sadly, I don’t, and I’m pretty sure that everyone already agrees that ALL of God’s elect are dearly loved, that they are all saved by grace through faith in this present age. GRACE—what a blessing!
You pretend that Selah did nothing wrong - you're just as dishonest as she is. And this WHOLE thread shows both of your lies and gaslighting.
And even though I didn't name you, it's funny that you think I did. I wonder why.
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