People boo hoo and cry about how todays church is so far from what the first century
church was. Guess what? In the first century, Enoch was not considered Scripture.
Why people claim it is inspired is beyond me

Of the Apocrypha, Josephus says: “We do not possess myriads
of inconsistent books, conflicting with each other. Our books,
those which are justly accredited, are but two and twenty
[the equivalent of the 39 books of the Hebrew Scriptures
according to modern division], and contain the record of all time.”
church was. Guess what? In the first century, Enoch was not considered Scripture.
Why people claim it is inspired is beyond me
Of the Apocrypha, Josephus says: “We do not possess myriads
of inconsistent books, conflicting with each other. Our books,
those which are justly accredited, are but two and twenty
[the equivalent of the 39 books of the Hebrew Scriptures
according to modern division], and contain the record of all time.”
It may be because of what Josephus wrote in Antiquities chapter three about the "angels of God" and them accompanying with women which he says produced giants ect. He said it was their tradition that these resembled what the Greeks called giants. it seems though that Josephus as well as many other Jews at least in about ad95 believed that the angels of God did accompany women.