I love you more than you love me and I hate you less than you hate me.
Now what are you going to do?
You are very young for your age. Your intentions here are becoming more and more clear with every post you make. We're at fault truth be told in that we've engaged your nonsense so that your post lasts for 15 pages.
I wonder if you have a running bet at Thinking Atheist, or some other of those type forums. One of those, hey guys, I'll join a Christian forum and see how long I can pose and use their own scriptures against them.
You keep talking about how God will get us for what we say to you. You're a fool. God is not mocked! Yes, God does exist. And your mockery here of his word, as you attempt to assault his people with your patent loathing for us and the Bible does not escape his notice.
Atheists fixate on something they claim isn't there. But they are when they pull crap like you are here.
I suggest you stop thinking you're telling Christians what amounts to, "God's gonna get you!" for calling you out. Instead, you should watch your own back. Because God is not mocked. And when someone concentrates their energies to do that and repeatedly, I tend to think he takes notice. And when such a one is obstinate, ignorant, immature, and has nothing better to do than think they're cracking on Christians as a hobby is fun, likely God will soon prove to you he is there. He does see you. And you messed with the wrong people when you thought to make fun of those whom he loves.

It may help. Doubtful, but what the heck give it a try.
Hopefully this thread will die soon. You're not here to learn anything. You're here to make fun of those who know God. That's pathetic of you.
Someone told me that I am welcome to their land of ignore. Yes Dorothy there are Giraffes!
And there are vacancies too.