Watermark's the [user-]name. =D
[perhaps you need your glasses re-adjusted, like I do

This is all you need to say. Luke 21:12-24 is the companion passage to Mat 24:1-28.
And I had explained
why. (You didn't read past my first line, did you? It's completely obvious you did not, or at least did not care to.

Since Luke 21:
8-11 is parallel with Matthew 24:
4-8 and Mark 13:
because Lk21:
12 (
the verse coming after those sections)
says "
But BEFORE ALL THESE" (and then names the things that must play out
BEFORE Matt24:4-8/Mk13:5-8/Lk21:8-11[
the beginning of birth pangs])...
THIS MEANS that Matt24:
4-8 [let alone what follows] is
NOT parallel (or "the companion") to Luke 21:
12-24, but instead...
is parallel (or "the companion") to Luke 21:
8-11 (just as I had pointed out--one must get it straight that Matt24:4-8/Mk13:5-8/Lk21:8-11 are parallel with each other and therefore the "
But BEFORE ALL THESE" beginning of birth pangs can happen, the 70ad events must take place first! [spelled out in Lk21:12-24]),
and so...
therefore Luke21:
12-24[/70ad events]
must ALSO play out "BEFORE" Matt24:
4-8 (
let alone the parts that follow in that passage, as you framed it, "...thru v.28").
Thus, your post has totally MISSED the
actual CHRONOLOGY spelled out in these passages.
I know it can be hard work... but the first step in grasping the SEQUENCE these passages show, is to EXAMINE
Luke 21:
8-11 / Matthew 24:
4-8 / Mark 13:
5-8 [/'the beginning of birth PANGS'], UNDERSTAND they are the SAME EVENTS,
and then... ACKNOWLEDGE that v.12 INFORMS us that vv.12-24a [the 70ad events] must play out
...and that THEREFORE, what *
you* had said about Lk21:12-24 being "companion" to Matthew 24:1-28 CANNOT be TRUE!
Then what do you do, put in a 2,000 year gap not found after v. 24?
Did I say that?
Not exactly.
I said, v.24 has LISTED ITEMS that unfold over a lengthy time period, and we must note the "UNTIL" (which relates to other prophecies, just as we see spelled out in the "UNTIL" of Acts 3:21)
It says, “Immediately after the distress of those days." The same days Luke was discussing.
Except, again, if you take the first mis-steps, as you have, all you're doing is attempting to "match phrases," but at the expense of butchering "chronology". Bad move.
Luke defines the Abomination of Desolation as an army.
No he doesn't.
I do believe it is a part of the "desolaTIONS [plural]" are determined, but is NOT the "abominaTION ot desolaTION [SINGULAR]" that Jesus was referring [in Matt24] back to in Daniel, which is not the PLURALS in Dan9, but the SINGULAR in Dan12:11 "abomination [SINGULAR] that maketh desolate SET UP" (and providing specific "day-amounts," here and in this chpt 12)
History says it was a Roman army which left Jerusalem desolate. These accounts along with Mark 13, are of the same topic and discussion.
I agree that Luke 21:12-24a speaks of the 70ad events. But vv.8-11 [and its parallels] COME AFTER that (including the PARALLEL of Matt24:
4-8! [Matt24:4-8 is NOT PARALLEL with Lk21:12-24!! see... Lk21:12-24a COMES BEFORE Matt24:4-8 & parallels]
You have 3 recollection of the same discussion. Since none of the 3 were there, they clearly were all recounting what was told to them by Andrew, Peter, John and James.
But you are missing the point of the "But BEFORE ALL THESE (BEFORE ALL of the BEGINNING of birth PANGS, the 70ad events of vv.12-24a must play out FIRST--this is not what
you are saying)
There is no room for a massive delay.
You need to marinate in Step #1 for a good long while, and then grasp what the "BUT BEFORE ALL THESE" means (with regard to how the 70ad events [vv.12-24a] must play out
BEFORE those. THAT is a matter of chronology, that you are blurring the distinctions regarding, thus coming up with a marred picture of "what happens when, in relation to what other thing/s"

You're butchering it royally

Good talking with you again, PlainWoop.