Heavenly Father please do not let me fall off of the "God wagon". I need You especially now in my life where I seem to be drifting back to the life I was living before I repented of all of my sins. Lead me not into temptation and fill me with Your love. Guard me from Satan and I command that he leaves me alone in the name of Jesus!! I am currently lost. Thank you Jesus. Amen
He is Wonderful God who is giving breath to every living thing at this very moment…
He is Almighty God who is spinning this earth we’re standing on this very moment…
He is King of Kings Who the angels in glory are singing, “Holy Holy Holy!” to at this very moment because He is that Holy…
He is the Lion of Judah, the Root of David, He has triumphed, triumphs now and will always triumph because He is the Beginning and the End of all things…
He is the Great Shepherd and is keeping His sheep right this moment, because He will not lose any of His own…
He is Mighty Counselor Who put His Holy Spirit in you and is directing and guiding you at this very moment…
He is Abba, Father and nothing now or forevermore can separate you from His perfect love…
It’s impossible for you to escape from Him. He bought you, redeemed you with the Blood of Jesus Christ and you are not your own. You belong to Jesus forever. No matter what you feel or think… nothing can change that.
God is not a man that He would lie. It’s impossible for Him to lie. The devil is the god of this world and tries to resurrect our flesh. But it’s impossible. Your flesh was crucified with Christ. Even if you doubt the Lord Jesus, He remains faithful because He can’t deny Who He is. Jesus Christ is Lord and He reigns in you no matter what doubts or fears you have.
You cannot fall away from God because His Holy Spirit is in you right now and will be forever.

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