Take it fishing.......................

just saying
Fishing Baits - Crickets and Grasshoppers
Crickets and Grasshoppers are also good hot weather
Fishing Baits. These insects usually find shelter near the banks. When the wind gets up and they lose their balance, they will fall into the water and the water current will carry them away. Some fish know this so they stay near the spot for a regular food supply. Trout, crappie, bluegill, smallmouth bass and other species eat these insects which naturally go down in the water.
Rigging Crickets
Use a fine-wire Fish Hook. Place a split shot about six inches above it. It would be better if you use a lighter weight. Insert the
Fish Hook right behind the head of the Cricket and let the barb come out in the middle of the back. Remember not to insert the Fish Hook too deeply.
Rigging Grasshoppers
Grasshoppers have this distinctive trait of splashing into the water naturally. They do not splash in like a rock. To fish with grasshoppers, hook the insect through the collar or the thorax part. Do not pierce too deeply. A dead grasshopper can still be used as a Fishing Bait, but a live one is still more effective. Place one or two split shots then cast out.