Since most threads seem to have trouble staying on topic I thought I would simply start one that has no topic and just see where it goes. So, in that vein, Speak Your Mind.
RANDOM PLACE TO PUT THIS, but since I'm new here, I'll give it a go;
For all the ladies, consider the following, if you will; In many different ways there's a term, 'helpmate' and please, this isn't to start anything negative, please

I just thought it would be cool to visit that term from a HEBREW WORD perspective. 'Azer (ezer), is used 21 times in the Hebrew bible. 2 of those 21 times it is used to describe 'Eve' and in many translations it becomes 'helpmate' but have you ever considered the other 19 uses of that same Hebrew word? Let's do that, because 18 of those 19 times, it's used to describe none other than YHVH, as in HE is our helper, our rescuer. The final time, well I'll leave that to curious minds who want to look that up.
BUT THE POINT - consider how special Eve was created, women were created. They are given a title only shared by YHVH, 'Azer (Ezer) and in Hebrew it doesn't have the same connotation as many views of the english 'help mate' have today. And consider this, God is the giver of life, and shares this with Eve, women, even Eve when you read this in Hebrew knows she is like God in the ability to bring forth man and in certain Hebrew thought, every birth is a continuation of creation, because they know the word play in Hebrew.
So then, Eve, was given special things in the part of all this wonderfulness, something to consider in relation to how God really set things up to be like.