I wrote what I did to be an example and an illustration of who/what/how the Bible says we are to be.
I don't know what your sins are. But, what I do know is that if you - "get right with God" - stay as close to Him as you can - take a "cheerfully honest" approach to fellowship with others [on CC] - respect the right of others to believe what they will (even if you believe they are wrong) - keep the Golden Rule in mind at all times - and, always-remember-and-never-forget that
deception will have its reward on Judgment Day --- I think everything will probably work itself out...
The Bible says to love - so, love.
The Bible says to forgive - so, forgive.
The Bible says to not think too highly of yourself - so, don't do that...
The Bible says to live [as] peaceably [as possible] with all men. Do the best you can.
Discussion is better than argument and/or debate.
Debate has its place, but is not the "natural default" for everyday communication.
It is the exception and not the rule.
The 'rule' is 'fellowship'.
Do not underestimate its importance.
The world is in self-destruct mode.
Soon enough, there will be persecution like we have never experienced before.
We all need to start acting like we know just how much we need each other...
Don't give Satan a mile, an inch, a millimeter, or even a micron.
Enjoy your time spent here.
Try to keep it on the [positive] side - think